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Welcome to (Dungeon World) Amunderson the Tyrant

02:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Booker Magestos

Booker is a well dressed, well groomed young man of fine distinction. It's clear he had some education given the way he keeps his hand on the hilt of his blade.

Booker Magestos

Class-Arcane Duelist


Look-Handsome but grim. Clearly of a upper class background.









Your fighting style is showy and impressive. Gain +1 forward to parley with anyone who has seen you fight.

You start with these moves:

Arcane Bladework
When you attempt to incorporate magic into a melee attack, roll +int.

✴ On a 10+, deal your damage and apply 1 technique.

✴ On a 7-9, deal your damage and apply 1 technique, and your opponent attacks you.

Throw Down The Gauntlet
When you challenge someone to a duel, roll +cha.

✴ On a 10+, they choose 2 if they do not accept.

✴ On a 7-9, they choose 1 if they do not accept.

You take +1 ongoing against them until they defeat you
-They lose the respect of their peers and underlings
-They retreat

The Riddle of Steel
When you cross swords with a humanoid opponent, gain +1 forward to discern realities about them. In addition, you may add the following to the list of questions you can ask:

-What is this person about to do?
-What emotion drives this person?
-What is this person trying to hide?


The edge of your weapon hums with an unearthly light. You may slice through inanimate objects with ease and add the ‘messy’ tag to your attack.

Your attack heals you for 1d4. Heal 1d8 instead if this attack kills your target.

Your attack ends with a flurry of strikes that your opponent must dedicate effort to blocking or avoiding. If they instead attack you in response to your attack, deal your damage again (this does not apply techniques).

Your attack creates a ring of light around you and your target that other creatures (and their projectiles) cannot cross.


Noble’s silks (0 weight) and 10 coins
Duelist’s leathers (1 armor, worn, 1 weight)
Dueling Saber (precise, close, 2 weight)
Dagger (hand, 1 weight) and Parrying Dagger (hand, +1 armor, 1 weight)
Adventuring Gear (1 weight) and Dungeon Rations (5 uses, 1 weight)
Healing Potion (0 weight)