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16:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Allean Silverblade

Name: Alleann "Alle" Silverblade
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 130
Age: 21
Hair: Jet Black
Eyes: Deep Green
Complexion:  Pale skin, Grape vine Tattoo on left side of face and neck.
Birthplace/Nationality: Born in Dyvers, but moved to Fax on the Wild Coast
Birth Date: 22 day of Readying

Alle is quiet and reserved.  Always the student of life.  She keeps to herself and is happier to read a book than to speak to someone.  Very reclusive because of her upbringing. Once she is angered she goes to all lengths to defeat her foes.  She is most at home wondering in the woods on some long forgotten path.

Alle was born in Dyvers to a Merchant who travelled the countryside selling his wares.  One night while traveling by caravan from Badwell to Safeton the caravan was attacked by an Orc raiding party from the Pomarj. Her family was killed but she was secreted away by her mother and hidden in a hollowed out tree. All she can remember from her ordeal is the Crimson Fist on a shield. Alle was later found and raised by a half-elven couple in a small village near the town of Fax on the Wild Coast. Her parents taught her the elven trade of bow making and she picked up on their magic use fairly well.  Her mother being a Mage and all didn't hurt the efforts.  Her father was a guardian of the local area.  She never picked up on his sword play but once she started with the spellbooks it seemed there was no time for it. She spent most of her time in the woods growing up and that is where she is happiest.  She is a skilled Trapper and tans furs for resale.  Alle often goes on long walks for a few days and decided to leave Fax and travel up the river looking for some natural resources to build a long bow and some arrows. Also hoping to find some herbs and natural foods while traveling.  On the way she manages to find a strong White Oak tree limb with a nice straight length. Before she realizes days have passed in her search and she finds herself on the outskirts of Narwell.  So after thinking it over decides to check out the town and see if she can find a hot meal.
