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Welcome to Liberation of Geoff

09:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Nisha means Shadow and if there's a word that sums up the young woman, shadow is number one.  Some may think it's her dark hair or that she wears darker clothing and leathers or that her ears are slightly elongated but still round, but it's really because her mother has always tried to keep her true heritage unknown and hidden by shadow.  As a whore, her mother entertained many a man in Monmurg and though she doesn't know for certain who the father really is, she suspects it's none other than Marmel Raveiz.  When Nisha took up with some ruffians and tended more toward the sneaky and filchy endeavors just like Monmurg, along with having his pale skin and eyes as well as a shorter stature, she felt for sure he was the one.  Not wanting her daughter to get tangled up in the thieves' guild, she saved up her money and when Nisha was 16, she gave it to her and told her to flee Monmurg and make a better life for herself somewhere else.

While she had participated in some unsavory things, it went against her nature.  Like her mother, she worshipped Trithereon.  The oppression that ran rampant in Monmurg and surrounding areas was too much and given the chance for freedom, she took the money though tried to get her mother to come with her.  Sadly her mother would not make the journey with her, admitting she was quite ill and likely wouldn't live more than a handful more years.  It would be too hard on her to try to change and she didn't want to burden her daughter.  With a heavy heart, she bade her mother farewell and joined a caravan as a guard to get out of the lands held by the Scarlet Brotherhood.  Once they stopped in Shiboleth, she knew she had found a place to call home.

Of course the Scarlet Brotherhood cannot be avoided.  They have agents everywhere and no doubt they are going to try to expand their control.  Then there are the giants who have somehow organized and wreaked utter havoc and destruction in the lands just to the west.  If they aren't stopped, they'll no doubt spill further into her home and that just won't do.  They have murdered and eaten people and enslaved many more, which is something that chafes her as much as the chains chafe those prisoners.  While she isn't a great fighter or have healing skills, she still feels the calling to help so quit her job as a guard at The Soft Pillow Inn and Tavern and has traveled to Hochoch to meet with someone who could use someone with a bit of sneaky skills.