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Welcome to ~~ MARVEL SURVIVAL ~~ {ADULT}

08:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Adrianna Wheaton (Ria) ~Frostfire

NAME:  Adrianna Wheaton
NICKNAME:  Ria' (pronounced Rye)
ALIAS:  Frostfire
AGE:  Mid Thirties
POWER:  Species Specific Physical Transformation
WEIGHT:  163 lbs.
HAIR:  Platinum white with electric blue highlights
EYES:  Purple
RELATIVES:  Paul Carter Wheaton, Father; Mary Wheaton, Mother; Derick Grant Wheaton, Oldest Brother; Brent Carter Wheaton, Middle Brother; Samuel Harris Wheaton, Youngest Brother
HOME: Breckenridge Colorado

DESCRIPTION:  Adrianna is a polymorph with two distinct physical forms.  Her base form is that of a young human female and her secondary form resembles a  fur covered western dragon with two sets of feathered wings.

HUMAN FORM: In her human form Adrianna is an attractive young lady.  She is slender without being skinny and is in excellent physical condition from a very active lifestyle.  She is just a shade over 6 foot and her weight averages out around 163 pounds.  Her skin is well bronzed from a combination of lots of sun and a mixed bag of genetics.  This forms a startling contrast to her platinum white hair, eye brows and eye lashes.  Her hair is thick and full of natural curls and id cut in a stylish pixie cut.  People often think that she has dyed her hair with electric blue streaks and highlights but these are actually natural.

The one thing that tends to disconcert people when they first meet Adrianna are her eyes.  They don't look like they should be in a human face. They are a deep amethyst purple and sparkle when the light hits them correctly almost as if they are faceted crystal. The pupils are also rectangular and horizontal. They also produce 'Eye shine' if hit with a light like a cat's eye  The iris portion is also larger than normal  making them almost look anime although the eye itself is no larger than normal.

She has a fondness for bright clothing and frilly things and her dress often belies her tomboy attitude and personality.  However due to active and often rambunctious life style she while most often be seen sporting a pair of faded blue jeans, a T-shirt and a very much beloved WW2 Bomber jacket, but on girls night out, watch out!

DRAGON FORM:  In her dragon form Adrianna has the body of a western dragon. While not large compared to what most people think of when they think 'dragon' she is still the easily as massive as a large Shire horse and almost 25 feet from nose to tail. If she stands on her rear legs, an act she can easily perform, her head is almost 20 feet off the ground. When in her dragon form she weighs a bit over 2300 pounds.   Her fore quarters are powerfully built, like those of a bull mastiff.  She is broad across the chest with strong forelimbs that end in a set of clumsy but usable hand/paws.  Her fur is the same platinum white as her hair but it becomes a smoky black on her lower legs and around her paws.

In either form Adrianna's eyes remain the same startling purple although in dragon form they are much larger and she seems to have multiple clear eyelids in her dragon form. These may also be present in her human form but have just not been needed as of yet.

Adrianna's primary wings grow out just behind her shoulders her secondary wings grow out from just forward of her hips. Her feathers are pure white with blue barring and the tips are black.  They fold up neatly and nest together along her sides and across her back without appearing bulky.

It should be noted that in her draconic form she is not capable of speech. (Wrong lips, wrong tongue, wrong vocal chords.)

Most of Adrianna's clothing have been treated with Unstable Molecules that allow them to shift with her. In her Dragon form they transform into a set of straps and pockets around her forequarters that hold her personal items and a rider can hold on to.

HYBRID FORMS:   With Years of training Adrianna has learned to take on a variety of hybrid forms thaat allow her to combine aspects of her human and dragon abilities for different uses. She can shift her eyes to see across a broader spectrum and to allow for telescopic vision. She can shift her ears to enhance her hearing or transform a hand and arm for enhanced strength and claws. She can even grow a set of wings to allow her to glide/fly but the more extreme the transformation the larger and closer to full dragon she will become. Her freezing 'breath' ability is only available if she has fully transformed her head and a good portion of her neck. (go figure?).

Basically picture her dragon form scaled down and walking upright on her hind legs and you will be pretty close.

Adrianna is almost always packing a 357 magnum semi-auto Desert Eagle in a shoulder holster for which she has an International Carry permit valid in almost all of Europe and the United States. She will ALWAYS have a 6 inch knife. It is one of a set of six that belong to five other people. They all have a bone white handle inset with a single green cross and 4 black crosses. Each knife was custom made for the needs and hand of the intended user.

Adrianna is a dedicated Biker Girl and has a no longer exactly stock Yamaha very heavy on the VROOOM.



Adrianna has the ability to transform into a fur covered western dragon with a long tail and two sets of feathered wings.  While in this form she is a quadruped with four legs although she can use her fore limbs as a clumsy set of hands.  While she does have claws and fangs and they are more than capable of shredding a person or a cow they can't chew stone or steel although her claws can gouge concrete or other soft stone but it wears on them quickly.  She is able to fly 120 mph in level flight but can do short sprints of up to 250 mph for short distances and almost 300 mph in a powered dive.   Her eyesight is keen enough to spot a mouse at 2 miles and she can see in near total darkness and track like a bloodhound.  She can also run like a greyhound on speed.

While in her dragon form Adrianna can produce a beam of cryokinetic energy from her mouth that has the effect of slowing down or stopping the molecular motion of anything it hits, basically a very powerful freeze ray.  This beam often looks like white fire due to the instant condensation and crystallization of the air around it.

Aside from being slightly more resilient Adrianna does not appear to be any more resistant to damage than a normal person except for the fact she seems to be immune to even extreme cold. (Antartica in the winter during a blizzard wearing only a bikini levels of cold, Liquid nitrogen type cold)

It should be noted that since her initial manifestation Adrianna's dragon aspect has continued to grow. (when she first transformed she did not get any larger or gain any mass.) In th  years since that time the dragon has gotten considerably larger and gained almost 2000 pounds of mass while her human form has not really changed. There is a good chance she is still maturing.

HOBBIES: skeet, target shooting, bicycling, Rock climbing, shopping
SKILLS: Not quite Olympic level marksman with multiple firearms, better than fair shot with a bow, Hunting, Motocross, crocheting, skiing, Rock climbing (freestyle and roped) Trained paramedic/Emergency rescue
LIKES: Nuclear grade Chinese food, anything spicy, 357 Magnums, 12 gauge shotguns
DISLIKES: sheeple, opinionated people who don't know what their opinion is or who blindly follow others without thinking.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Ummm, well, are you asking if I'm interested?
RELATIONSHIP WITH FAMILY: Adrianna gets along very well with her Family and they have remained supportive of her since her mutations manifested although the collar and rubber chew bone from her Brothers were in poor taste. (Actually it had a nice beefy flavor and she rather liked it, but she will never admit to that.)

PERSONALITY: Adrianna is an upbeat individual with an outgoing personality and is fairly easy going most of the time.  The rare exception is if someone happens to trigger one of her pet peeves of which she has a few.  She is a tomboy at heart and will be the first one climbing the trees or on the rope swing at whatever swimming hole they happen to be at.

BACKGROUND:  Adrianna had a fairly normal childhood for most of her early life. She had a loving Mother, a caring and supportive Father, and three older brothers who she considered her personal cross to bear.  There were the typical school plays, Christmas performances, and forgotten assignments being rushed to the school at the last minute.  There were even one or two emergency trips to the hospital for assorted boo-boos.

The one place her life was a little odd was her Father was the Chief of Police for their town so she grew up with a better than fair understanding of the law and a knowledge of guns and what they could do that was well above average.  As hunting was almost a religion in the area this wasn't all that unusual.  What was unusual was her skill with not only the pistol but also the shotgun and rifle as she consistently won the local shooting competitions which tickled her Father pink and seriously cheesed off her older brothers.

When Adrianna was around ten her dishwater blond hair began to get lighter in color and develop strange highlights.  At first no one thought this was odd because of all the time she spent out in the sun. However as it continued to lighten until it was almost pure white people began to remark on it but as it was only her hair nobody made a big issue of it. Her Mother was actually thrilled to actually have a child with long hair.

Adrianna was 14 the first time she transformed into her dragon form.  Her Father had received a call about a large dog rooting through one of the dumpsters at a local Golden Arches fast food establishment.  Responding to the location  he was surprised to find one of the large dumpsters tipped over and a white furred creature with a long tail happily munching away on cold hamburgers.  He was even more surprised when it proved to be very friendly and appeared to be trained as it responded to commands.  He was totally stunned when it turned into his nude daughter in the bed of his truck. That's when questions started to be asked.

It was after this first transformation that her eyes went from blue to purple.

Adrianna trained at Xaviers for 2 years before she left to attend college then to get paramedic and emergency rescue training. She has several years experience working Search and Rescue. She believes that one life saved here and now is more important than 1000 lives possibly saved in the future.