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Welcome to ~~ MARVEL SURVIVAL ~~ {ADULT}

10:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Glorious Rabbit (Bunny) ~Fathom

NAME: Glorious Rabbit
GENDER:  Female
AGE:  Mid Thirties

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE:  Glorious Rabbit, or Bunny as she prefers is a rather small woman of Asian ancestry (Chinese). She is 5' 2”, 98 lbs if soaking wet and slender as a reed. Her hair is coal black and very strait, at least what she has is. Typically her head is shaved bald except for a 2 inch wide mohawk that she starches into a rigid crest almost 10 inches tall that runs from her forehead to the base of her neck where it becomes a long braided ponytail that reaches the middle of her back. The end of it is often secured with a red silk ribbon tied in a bow.

While her features and build are almost those of the quintessential Chinese porcelain doll her skin tone is not. A pale, almost creamy blue on the front of her body she slowly shades into darker hues on her sides until she is almost midnight blue along her spine and up onto the back of her head. Her eyes are also disturbing to a lot of people as they are a deep flat black, often described as 'shark eyes'.  Her teeth are also exceptionally sharp. No, she does NOT have webbed fingers and toes nor does she have a dorsal fin. There is a long rough scar an the back of her left shoulder.

She often wears a one-piece bathing suit under her regular clothing as she never knows when she will be going in the water and wet blue jeans chafe.

Bunny wears a giant shark tooth wrapped in a gold wire cage as a necklace.

When working in a kitchen Bunny will often wear colorful aprons with different sayings on them. A couple of examples are,” Just because you like my dumplings doesn'tmean you can pinch the muffins!” and “forget the food, eat the Bunny!” or “Are you a Flower or a Thumper?”

Bunny does not know how to not work. 16 to 18 hour days would be the norm for her if its allowed and a day off almost leaves her a nervous wreck.

OUTSTANDING SKILLS: Glorious is an excellent cook and baker (I'm not a CHEF! To be a chef you need to have an inflated ego, lots of school and a silly hat!) She is an expert at traveling light. Fluent in Chinese, Japanese, and can hold a conversation in, of all things, Swedish. A great proponent of the “Anythings a Weapon” school of back street brutality.

EXCEPTIANAL ABILITIES:  First off it should be noted that Fathom is far stronger than her small size would suggest.  While not superhuman or even top of the normal human charts like dynamite she packs a lot of POW in a very small package. In a straight up one on one physical fight against even a much larger male human she can often hold her own, even win because she is not above using dirty tactics.

Fathom is a powerful and versatile Hydrokinetic meaning she has control over water and other fluid materials, although water is the easiest and most readily available. She can sense the presence of water around her for a considerable distance and summon it to her. She can easily burst city water mains buried several feet underground and pull the water to herself. In a pinch she can even condense the water out of the air although that takes time and does not give her much to work with. Unlike most hydrokinetics she has realized that snow and ice are just another form of water and she can control that as well liquid water.

By controlling the surface tension of water Fathom can make it almost as impenetrable as steel and all it takes to stop even high caliber rifle rounds is a sheet of water a few inches thick (watch Mythbusters sometime). She can generate streams of water at several hundred PSI or extremelythin jets of water at several thousand PSI that can cut through almost any substance except for Admantium (they use water jets to cut diamond and tungsten carbide).

There are aspects of her Abilities that frankly scare the living daylights out of her, and she avoids using those abilities unless things are extremely desperate (the human body is almost 80% water. Think about it).

Fathom can survive underwater indefinitely with no risk of drowning, nor is she effected by depth or the cold. She does not have gills, somehow her lungs can extract oxygen directly from water be it salt or fresh. She can move through the water at speeds up to 500 MPH by creating a stream of laminar flow water around herself and letting it propel her. She is not adversely affected by being on dry land and has no physical need to get wet unless she gets dirty. She hates being grimy.

The source and nature of Fathom's Abilities is unknown. It has been confirmed she is not a mutant, nor do they appear to by magical as she has no aura of magic about her. It has been speculated that they may have been bestowed upon her but by who or what and for what reason is unknown.

HOW DID WE GET TO THIS POINT: Glorious Rabbit (Her Parents were Chinese emigrants who insisted she have an 'American' name and did a literal translation of her Chinese name. Damn you GOOGLE!!) moved to the United States when she was just 18 months old with her parents having big plans of living the American Dream.  12 months later her Father was living that dream, with a Blackjack dealer from Los Vegas and her Mother was scrambling to find any kind of work.  Throughout her childhood Glorious and her Mother were constantly moving, jumping from one job to the next often living out of their car and cooking over small fires or charcoal. This nomadic lifestyle taught Glorious not to accumulate anything and how to par things down to just the necessities. It also led to an education that was rather … asymmetrical in nature.

When she was sixteen Glorious' Mother was killed in a hit and run accident in Lancaster CA. That night she started working in an all-night diner just off the interstate.

Jump forward 13 years... Glorious Rabbit is working as a head cook aboard a cargo ship that makes regular runs along the West Coast of the Americas and up to Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. The men are a bit rowdy at times but for the most part they have learned not to mess with the kitchen staff if they want to eat and Glorious, now generally called Bunny, unless they wanted to eat through a straw.  They were three days out of Anchorage and wallowing through an arctic winter storm that was turning the waves into something more like horizontal rain and freezing the spray to anything it touched when Bunny had to go up on deck.

For reasons known only to Engineers and ship designers, on this particular ship there was a 40-foot cargo hold that did not allow internal access from the rear crew area where the kitchen and most of the crew facilities were located to where the bulk freezers and food storage was located. This meant that every few days the kitchen staff got to spend an hour or so ferrying goods from one location to another, or, like today if an important ingredient happened to be forgotten a special trip had to be made.

She was wearing her survival suit, the Captain had ordered the whole crew into them when the storm had become so bad. She was clipped to the ships line. After several years that was almost second nature. She never saw what hit her, it was too dark, visibility was too poor. She felt the impact, but there was no pain, it was to sudden, to shocking. A sudden sickening but welcome jolt as she hit the end of the ships line, the realization that it wasn't holding, then she was falling. The impact with the water hurt more than the original hit After that there was nothing but cold and darkness as she sank beneath the waves.