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Welcome to Seduced by Darkness

19:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Glyssandra is a character created by a horny introvert who thought he was going to  enjoy playing a sexy female in a world of tropical islands and shallow seas. Imagine his horror to find himself isekai'd into the very character he had created!


Basic Info: Age: 18 Gender: Female Race Human/Siren half breed

Strong skills: Dance, Athletics, charm
Weak skills: street smarts, fighting, gambling


Major advantage: Sorcerous power set:
Powers: Swim, breathe water, purify water, water pellet, water shaping, alluring song
Advantage: Unearthly beauty
Weak advantage: Positive mental attitude

Major disadvantage: Witches curse
Disadvantage: Always aroused
Minor disadvantage: poverty


1 set of clothes, 1 small knife, 1 gold piece (reduced because of poverty).


The character write up he had given her had been something like:

Glyssandra had been born to a male siren with no real power who was a wandering singer. He still popped up from time to time but his voice was good not magical, so he was never wealthy. Her mother had a number of jobs in the port of Broadbay and had been out of the house a lot. Glyssandra had some minor magics her father had lacked and had also become a singer, touring the ports for money, crossing between the islands. They had eventually reunited and left Glyssandra (by her choice) to sail on a long voyage to the far side of the known world, fulfilling a promise they had made to each other when courting.

It was on one of these tours she had crossed a water witch when as a drunken prank she had stolen her hat. She hadn’t known she was an actual witch when she snagged it with a hook from the balcony she had been drinking on. That had only become apparent when the hat had gone sailing back along with every stitch of clothing she had been wearing. Ever since then her clothes seemed to take the slightest excuse the world offered to go missing, get stolen or torn and she could never hang on to money. She knew she had been cursed. (Actually, the curse only affects clothing not money… she is just very bad at keeping money).