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14:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Faiz BenSultan


Thin to the point of being gaunt, average height but looks as though he is taller from a distance. Black hair and brown eyes light tan skin with a touch of red. He has pointed ears, and youthful oval face with thoughtful and humorous expression. Faiz BenSultan is comfortable speaking with people. He wears quality clothing with a light robe over his armor which is a lamellar variety but made of alchemically treated darkleaf for plates the goatskin leather is bleached a light color with mystical windy blue swirls matching the blue thread. He carries a scimitar and a hand crossbow with bolts in a small case on his belt in the back. His backpack is a masterwork thing of beauty with darkwood frame and armored leaves dyed white. It keeps cool water inside with a drinking line as well as a cool space for Tikki to hide from the sun. A Jambiya and Shortbow are racked to the backpack along with his tools. The frame can be pulled out of the backpack and it is a chair or small table.

He leads or rides a Cantankerous and Camel saddled with red carpet over light treated darkleaf armor studded with darkwood. When he stops at the Suq or camp, Faiz sets up a lovely home-made tent/shop that is artfully decorated in an airy wave pattern with pale blue silken roof and yellow walls of wool. He buys and sells different goods depending on the opportunity. During slow moments he performs dance or slight of hand magic shows with beautiful purple and black squirrel from the distant Eastern Jungles of Sempadan.


Faiz was a foundling of the House of Hanif. He has some memories of life as an elf and his parents but much has been forgotten, for he was truly a child of few years when Sultan Ibn-Ayyal found him in the desert near the salt sea over one hundred and twenty years ago. He had survived several days on his own near the Anvil, there must be some natural resistance to the burning heat for him to do this, thought he wouldn't have been able to keep going much longer than he had. The group he was with had been killed by giants who had not found him hiding under the cart.

Faiz was accepted into the family to be raised a child of House Hanif and grew up wandering the Haunted Lands. During his youth, he cared for the animals, raising and training them. He raided caravans or small villages and served the raiding parties as a Bowyer. He remained childlike when his parents passed away and his siblings grew and became new surrogate parents. At age 53, still a youth of an Elf, Faiz's Nephew Hakkim was now the Patriarch and encouraged him to move on to more mature lifestyle. He had already been successful in raids and could do a kind of magic he learned from one of the older raiders which allowed him to jump instantly across space. Faiz married a woman who had been taken in after a raid went poorly. Myriam, was an adult of 26 and she and Faiz were very happy together working with animals, they had 4 children that survived and grew to adulthood. Those times where hard on Faiz. He wanted to play and roam and had little patience for any more serious work than that of a shepherd, though he was brilliant and could start many businesses he often failed to maintain serious focus. As a parent he was playful and had to force himself to maintain any structure. His immaturity was often uncomfortable and misunderstood. Their youngest son, was managing on his own when Faiz turned 81, and Myriam 54, she convinced Faiz to go as a merchant with the Hanif Ambassador to the court of Huzuz. He could maintain the business and build trust. Faiz did this and was able to send remittances home but when he returned to find his family in the summer of this 83d year he learned that Myriam had passed away after getting wounded during a horse race.

Faiz met with their children and grandchildren, but his youth remained an awkwardness, even being with the great grandchildren of his adoptive father left him feeling terribly out of place. He sold his belongings giving what he had to his children, who were beginning to understand that as Half-elves, they too may grow out of place. He started wandering.

Faiz made his way to the Mosque of Haku and joined the Dome Dancers where he lived and worked nearly two decades quietly tending the animals and crafting or mending bows and arrows. Faiz learned to dance with spear, lance and scimitar and when they raided he took more front line positions. He fought differently than a strong warrior but came to be praised for his stealth and speed supporting a war party with the other dancers. During this time, he began crafting more seriously and worked on his own armor and weapons with Darkwood and leaves of the Darkwood.

Faiz became introspective in recent years. His love and devotion for Haku never faltered but he began to connect with the Temple of the Ten Thousand Gods. He had always felt Haku was more. For when the wind supported Faiz, it sometimes led him to hard work and commitment, not always for freedom. Faiz decided it was time in his life to step back into the world and seek his own path. He feels he is led...or actually invited by Haku or the divine powers to learn more and be more.

Faiz went as far as Liham where he learned more and worked for an alchemist. An Elf trader from a far away land, named Jadiera, taught Faiz the languages common to that land as they enjoyed a tryst in the city and the desert mountains south of Liham. She gave him a wayfinder. They agreed to meet again one day when he makes his way to Evereska, he knows how to seek her out but is patient for his own growth and development.

Faiz trained up a pet squirrel, Tikka and a Camel known as Gozer and he is just beginning to have success as an independent trader. He has come to Hiyal to buy and sell and grow his wealth and travel. While he is a trader now, he is still Bedine - and he keeps to the tools and weapons of the Bedine, and to trust in Haku, while still working to understand the deeper meanings of the Ten Thousand Gods.
