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Welcome to The Lost Regiment

22:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sarah Worthing

Name: Sarah Worthing
Unit: USSC Volunteer
Age: 22
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 124lbs
Handedness: Right
Birthplace: London, England

Physical Description: Sarah is a mousy and somewhat plain young woman who keeps herself in a state of excellent fitness. She keeps her shoulder-length brown hair in a tight bun, and likes to wear wide-brimmed hats to keep the sun off of her skin. She maintains a good state of hygiene whenever possible.

Clothing: When dressed casually, she wears a long, blue and gray dress that is slightly puffed at the shoulders. In winter she wears a matching long coat and tasseled shawl. She breaks with tradition by often wearing very sensible soft boots that don't impede her mobility like traditional ladies shoes often do. However, when serving in official capacity as a member of the USSC, she wears all the traditional attire, including the white apron, gray dress, and slightly heeled shoes that the other women wear.

Background: Born into an upper-class London family, Sarah grew up alongside her brother David, her fraternal twin. The two were practically inseparable, and as children both would grow emotional and depressed when separated for any length of time. In order to avoid their bedlam, their father eventually elected to simply include Sarah in David's education. Their father was a physician and vocal proponent physical fitness, and David was assumed to follow in his footsteps. As a result, Sarah received both an education in medicine as well as 'modern' health and wellness by proxy.

David would die at the age of 12 from pneumonia, and Sarah elected to bury her emotions in physical activities. Mostly running and swimming at first, but she would eventually find herself in the sport of fencing as a student under famously progressive master Baptiste Bertrand. She remained in England working in her father's practice as a physicians aid while studying under master Bertrand until 1861.

When the USSC was first formed, a call was sent out for those experienced in the British system that inspired it. Still feeling despondent and dissatisfied with things at home, Sarah elected to travel overseas and volunteer to bring education to the fight at first as a means to bury her emotions in work, and later in the war, to fight for an abolitionist cause.