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Welcome to Twilight and Shadow-PF in Faerun-Adult

23:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tianlong Tang

art work by (Ni)used with permission
Tian is 6' tall with dark hair that's hold that shimmer of his azata blood. It it always worn long often free around him or secured by a Guan. He dresses in the tradition hanfu of his people. His preferred colors are black, silver and red. Black is easy to hide blood stains. He wears his hands wrapped and a bow bracer over his left. The sleeves are full and the garment is made of silk, but has been magically treated to be armor. It is simple and light. His robes fall to his feet to cover his tabi boots. He is almost utterly silent when he moves the soft whisk of the silk of his robes like wind through trees. At his waist is a obi that has an ornamental piece of jade in the shape of a bunny and crescent moon.

A well built man whose strength can be deceptive unless he flexes or hits you. The first is not on purpose, the second likely very much is.

His face is oval with almond eyes of violet shades full lashes and pert nose. Tianlong has high cheekbones and pointed ears. He fights with an elven blade. A composite long bow resting over his shoulder. His stride is graceful, and he moves like a cat,

It's hard to say which version of the ninja you know since he has several acts that he uses to hide behind. He is an excellent guqin player, he is a singer. He is a crafter of jewelry. He works as a tea master in tea houses, or as a cook in a tavern. All of these are him but also a bit outside of him.

The actual Tian is warm and kind, deeply spiritual and protective of his friends. He is quick with a smile, to crack a joke. To hold a door for ladies to mindful of children and the elder. In fact he will Never take a hit on a child. He will never hurt an innocent knowingly. Tian does his homework. Often with the aid of his friends. Tian, is noble by default, much like the saying honor among theives there is honor within this ninja as well. Tian, can pull of charisma, and wield it like a weapon soft words. Witty and charming or when he needs it few words intimidation. Devote, trustworthy and loyal. His family's motto is By divine grace and kindness.".

Much like Sun Ye whom he holds in high respect as a poet and samauri, he is the otherside of that coin. He works in shadows and takes pleasure in being able to give aid all but unseen at the best of times. He grew up in a close household to that of the other Shou blooded. Tian came to the mainland by way of his bard and merchant father. His mother is a white haired witch, and so he is well studied in Arcana and Spellcraft, he has learned of hexes from her since a small child. He has not put down roots anywhere in particular. He travels between the elven settlements. Traveling with Aeale almost constantly and with Meldainiel when her work permits. Oftentimes it is with Mellie that they travel to recover lost elven artifacts, or things stolen from the tombs of the elven people that are not meant to be in other hands.

He has also been hired out by the royalty of the Cloakwood, and the Evereska for discreet jobs, or get in a grab. Again with the aid of his friends. Tian, is a firm believe he would be nothing without them. They are his found family and he would die for them. His family line goes back as far as the Earlanni elves. He is an assaimir having been born in the temple of Corellon when his parents stopped over for the night and his mother was surrounded by the great goodness and went into labor.

In this vein he has often worked for the temple of Corellon he belongs to an order The Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower,  that retrieves aritfiacts and redistributes them into elven hands where they belong. He is often somewhat skilled in the wilds due to accompanying Aeale, when she is going to secret meetings with the druids. He never lingers because he knows it is private and he would not wish to impose. This group may also call upon him for favors.