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Welcome to Werewolf the Apocalypse - 2nd Edition

01:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rhys McRae

Augustus "Rhys" (pronounced Reece) Mcrae, is a former Army Blackhawk pilot and Warrant Officer, CW2, who has returned home full-time following the untimely death of his parents.

Cutting an impressive figure, he stands right at 6ft tall, 185lbs with an athletic frame, dirty blond hair cut short, and blue eyes, more of a runner's build than a weightlifter.

A UH-60 Black Hawk mechanic and avionics specialist in the Army, he transitioned to pilot training later in his career after becoming a Warrant Officer, flying on several tours in the Middle East and elsewhere around the world, both combat and humanitarian and has garnered several decorations for his efforts.

Unknown to RysS or his family, his Grandfather, Augustus McRae, was a Hunter, blessed (or cursed?) by the messengers to fight the rising supernatural darkness.  While home on leave for Christmas, Rhys's home was attacked by an unknown number of assailants in the middle of the night.  Rhys and his grandfather were both wounded and the only ones to survive the attack.  Rhys doesn't recall much of the fight behind the initial encounter as he was knocked unconcsious.  When he woke he was at the hospital with serious injuries that would take several weeks to heal. He didn't know how he got there or what happened.  Someone had tried to wipe out their family and only partially succeeded as his grandfather would later explain. They were attacked by something called a "formori" but he doesn't know why his son was attacked. Maybe to get at him?  He wasn't sure.

For Augustus himself, he was a watcher, one who observed and cataloged the activities of the supernatural that the hunters dealt with.  His particular interest was learning more about the lycanthropes.  He had hoped one in the family would see what he had seen and now that he has, he could step back and let younger bodies do the field work.

Since the death of his parents, Rys has realized that he had a "warning", something had woken him up before the intruders broke in and that's all that saved his life. He further realized that he had been having visions or dreams for some time and none of it made sense until the night of the attack.

His eyes opened to the new world around him Rhys's commitment to his career in thye military waned, replaced by a burning desire to learn more about these people who attacked them. Ultimatley sacrificing his career, he chose not to re-enlist, letting his term in the army expire, so that he could focus on dedicating his time to protecting those he cares about and understanding the new threats he faces.

He spends most days at his father's shop, taking over the operations of "McRae Motorsports", a custom rod and speed shop that his father had started from scratch and is currently living in an extra room above the shop, not yet able to move back into the family home.

He goes by the name Rys, not his given name Augustus because he hates the name "Gus", even though he was named after his grandfather to whom he is close.