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21:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jonah Masters

Name: Jonah Masters
Gender: Male

Hair: Dark Brown
Weight:180 lbs

Background: Merit Admit
Primary Clique: Outcasts
Secondary Clique:
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Major, if decided: Organic Chemistry
Minor, or Second Major, if applicable: Biochemistry (neurochemistry emphasis)
Goals/Aspirations: To create revolutionary psychoactives to aid in the treatment of mental illness
Assets and Strengths: He has a remarkable visual intellect allowing him to see, rotate and visually manipulate complex three dimensional representations in his mind without the need for computer modeling tools. He's a highly knowledgeable organic chemist already and has a deep understanding of a variety of shamanistic/mystical practices from around the world particularly from cultures that use psychoactives in their rituals and religions. He also has retained a bit of his larcenous skills from his youth – lockpicking, stealthing about and breaking and entering to be specific.
Liabilities and Weaknesses: a criminal record for drug use, possession and distribution; psychological addiction to psychoactives (weed, DMT, etc.); relative poverty and lack of ready cash/resources

Physical: 2
Social: 3
Mental: 5

Jonah is 6 feet tall with an athletic build, his dark brown hair is worn long framing his oval face. He sports a closely trimmed mustache and goatee that some would describe as  'hipster'. His bloodshot eyes give away the fact that he is usually high. He wanders the halls as if he didn't have a care in the world, seemingly not concerned with punctuality or what others might think of his slacker attitude. He dresses in worn jeans, a knit cap, and classic rock t-shirts that indicate his relatively impoverished status (though some think he's the height of Avant Garde retro chic).

Jonah comes across as just another slacker. He takes everything in stride, and is often underestimated as just a 'burnt out dreamer' by many people. Those who know him learn that he's deeply spiritual and he believes that it is his destiny to unlock the potential of the mind by the discovery of new, powerful psychoactive chemicals. He knows he's smart, but he also knows that he lacks the ambition and drive (and wealth and connections) that most of the other students possess. He's ripe for bullying, but  has a keen memory for those who have been cruel to him and will often wait a long, long time before exacting unexpected revenge.

Jonah grew up in a wealthy suburb in Connecticut. His father, Jeremiah Masters, is a lawyer, his mother, Jennifer, an English professor. He excelled in school, making his parents very proud of their young son. At an early age his visual memory/ability was discovered and he was immediately placed into accelerated classes where his talent could be fostered.

As he got older, Jonah found a deep and abiding love for mind altering substances. He discovered marijuana as well as a crowd of new friends who were a bit rebellious, anti-social and who wanted to live life by their own rules.

One night, after a dose of  DMT,  Jonah had a spiritual experience to (what he considers) a divine power and his life changed forever. He felt as if the divine had revealed to him his life's purpose; to research and expand the use of psychoactives to help aid mankind in unlocking the power of these miraculous substances.

Jonah started skipping classes, his grades slipped and he spent more time getting high, listening to music and hanging out with 'the wrong crowd'. Jonah turned his school chemistry lab into an after hours drug making operation where he would synthesize testosterone from plant sterols, synthetic THC and even some LSD and sell them to students.

He was arrested and charged with drug manufacturing, possession, and distribution. The fact that he was underage meant that he only spent a year of his sentence in juvie before being allowed out on parole to serve the remainder.

His arrest did little to curb his drug use and interest in drugs. He discovered the writings of Alistair Crowley, Carlos Castenada, and other mystics and shaman and became obsessed with the power that drugs have to expand one's consciousness. Jonah had big dreams, but seemed to lack the means or the discipline to achieve them.

Desperate to help their son, Jonah's parents were surprised and grateful when Lockheath Academy reached out to them, informing them of a potential merit admission for Jonah. The Academy was impressed with Jonah's talents and believed that their environment would provide the discipline that he needed to put those talents to good use. Jonah himself was thrilled at the opportunity and what it could potentially mean, but became less so when he actually experienced the reality of day to day life at Lockheath.


Met in juvenile detention – perhaps you did volunteer work at the facility and met Jonah when he was incarcerated. Maybe you were briefly incarcerated there yourself for just or unjust reasons

Jonah is your supplier – Do you use drugs? Jonah always seems to have some he can spare, purely for personal use of course. He's not dealing drugs in Lockheath, but he's happy to share with friends or trade them as favors.

Have you tutored Jonah? – While Jonah had a decent education, he lacked the advantages that the elites had in terms of access to advanced courses and accelerated learning. As such he has had a number of peers as tutors/study buddies to help him get quickly up to speed on some of the fundamentals that he might be lacking.