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Welcome to Heathens

22:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Noah Williams

Name: Noah Williams
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Hair: Black and curly
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'4”
Weight: 65kg

Background: Merit Amit
Primary Clique: Outcast
Secondary Clique: Nobodies
Sexuality: Bisexual

Major, if decided: Music/Theatre
Minor, or Second Major, if applicable: Dance
Goals/Aspirations: Broadway singer
Assets and Strengths: Strong singing voice, charismatic stage presence, empathetic by nature
Liabilities and Weaknesses: Shy and lacking confidence off the stage, physically weak, not used to being around the upper crust of people,

Statistics (They still feel too high for him XD )
Physical: 2
Social: 4
Mental: 4


Noah has thick curly hair and pale blue eyes, his has a very thin build and isn't as tall as others his age. On stage he holds himself with confidence and grace, dressing and acting any part that he has been asked to play. Off stage he is one to stick to the shadows, not really confident with standing out as himself and preferring to avoid any situations where he may get into trouble. His clothing is torn, parts repaired, he owns nothing brand new.


Coming from a poor background Noah is used to staying out of sight, used to being blamed for most things in and out of his home life. Growing up the scapegoat of his family means he's used to dealing with verbal and emotional abuse. While he physically can't stand up for himself as well as others, he is good at letting things slide off him and not letting things get him down. He keeps hope inside his heart despite having a rough start. While shy at fist he genuinely wants to do the right thing by others and rarely holds a grudge to things done against him, but is less likely to forgive things done against those he cares about.


Noahs parents are nobodies, drug addicts and alcoholics through most of his childhood he suffered mental and physical abuse from them. They were a poor family and he spent most of his days walking the streets to avoid having to be at home. While he tried to be good at schooling his torn clothing and lack of social skills left him outcast. That was until he was in a school play at the age of 7, while on stage he felt he was free of his home life and could become someone else just for a short time. It was a sense of freedom and expression that he couldn't get anywhere else. So he threw himself into acting, dancing and singing as safe ways to express who he was. While he was not able to do any of these things at home he was welcome in local community centres and loved visiting them when they were empty simply to get out all his emotions.

Things changed when he turned 10 and his parents had another child, a little girl named Susan who was the apple of their eye. Both parents began the process of getting clean off drugs and alcohol, while they were not completely successful they were better than when Noah was a child. Unfortunately because of their adoration of Susan Noah became the scapegoat for all problems within the household. If either parent slipped on their recovery they blamed Noah for it, if Susan did anything wrong in school he was blamed for not caring enough for her. It became such a commonplace that even within school he was assumed as being the troublemaker despite trying his best to stay out of the way of people. The only place he felt safe was on stage.

Despite having all the reasons to hate his little sister Noah adores Susan, the two of them close and her trying to protect him from when their parents turn on him. As they grew both parents ended up slipping back into substance abuse and at 18 Noah was given custody of his little sister, wanting to keep her safe and give her a good life.

However because of his parents reputations around town as well as the ones they had given to him he found it harder and harder to get work. He makes a meagre wage doing theatre and singing on the street corners for coins. Often he would go without to ensure Susan had more, however CPS is close on his heels and threatening to take Susan away.

It was not long after this scare that Noah was offered a place at Lockheath, after he was seen in a community play by someone of note within the institute. Although it was going to result in Susan going to a foster home he accepted the place, hoping to get himself a good education in theatre and hopefully become a full time actor/singer and be able to give Susan the life she deserves.


Noah comes from a horrible family, his name is worth less than nothing because of his parents reputation and while he wants to break this it could be used against him.

He is determined to stay in Lockheath, no matter what happens, he has too much at risk to leave for ANY reason.

While confident on stage he is not off it, his want to remain out of the spotlight in every day situations could be used against him.