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20:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jarvis Shrike

Name: Jarvis Shrike
Gender: Male

Hair: Dirty blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6’1
Weight: 175

Background: Old money
Primary Clique: Gunners
Secondary Clique: Jocks
Sexuality: Fluid

Major, if decided: Performing Arts
Goals/Aspirations: To sate his current obsession, and find the next.

Assets and Strengths: Reflexes, physical strength and a sense of balance that make him a natural athlete, which he has channeled into becoming a famed rising star within the world of ballet. He possesses a shockingly strong work ethic and focus. Access to his family’s truly obscene wealth, and better yet the leverage that they hold. He speaks French, and enough Italian not too need a translator when he's there for work, as long as they speak slowly.

Liabilities and Weaknesses: He’s obsessive, whatever catches his attention and any interest he has runs the risk of becoming his whole world. Jarvi’s also seems almost pathologically incapable of lying about himself, to others and to himself, and to a lesser degree about anything at all really. He’s also arrogant, grasping, and quick tempered.


Striking. It’s a simple word, but it goes a long way to describe Jarvis. He has a lean, handsome face, with high cheekbones, a sharp jaw and a mouth made for lazy, easy smiles, and large, pale blue, eyes that peer out from beneath heavy, sleepy eyelids with the same predatory curiosity of the cat that watches the scurrying mouse. His tousled curls of dark blond hair fall where they may and reach just to the nape of his neck.

His body is a carefully sculpted instrument. The tall frame, with long, lean limbs is all tightly corded muscles, sinuous, rippling lines of slopes and valleys carved not out of marble but flesh, until all there is to him is exactly what he needs, and wants, and nothing else. Thanks to this, and a lifetime of dedication to his craft, he moves with an easy, languid grace, from heel to fingertip, from hip to head, there isn’t a single motion that courses through him that isn’t under his control, and he makes it look easy.

He dresses as it suits his mood, one day it’s high fashion, avant-garde, colorful, and offbeat. The next is a bespoke suit, cut just for him and fitted like a second skin. Or it’s sweats and a hoodie, because he couldn’t spare the brain space for anything more complicated.

Jarvis hides nothing. He’s an open book for anyone who wishes to read him. His best traits and his very worst are proudly out on display. You just have to be able to stomach him. He’s opinionated, arrogant and vain, obsessive over his interests, and cruelly indifferent to that which bores him. He’s also dependable, as his word truly is his bond, he’s honest, and detests deceit and dishonesty. If he sets a task for himself he’s driven, focused, and will not rest until he has achieved his goals.

The Shrikes are an old family, tracing blood, history, and money into the antiquities of recorded history. An elder patriarch was fond of saying that they began to build their wealth with the first pound ever minted, and he might not have been exaggerating. For as long as anyone can remember, the Shrikes have been around to lend vast amounts of money to those poor unfortunate rich that find their pockets full of moths and dust and need a bail out, or to the corporations and investors shoring up capital for the next big deal. Come what may after that, the Shrike gets theirs. Default on your loan? Out comes the hand that lent you the money to rake in all that you have left, land, property, the nails in your walls and the last beer in your fridge? They’ll take it all and have the patience to wait until they find a way to make the lot yield a profit. If you used their money, and your venture succeed? Out comes the golden fist to scoop it all out from under you, and to turn your success into theirs. So, like a snowball that gathers crystals, and momentum, to become an avalanche, have the Shrikes nursed their wealth through the years, and seem to have no intention of stopping.

It's from roots like these, that Jarvis sprang forth. A boy, that by his nature had very little interest in the family business, but had no compunction about reaping it’s rewards. His father, a true slave to the family name and legacy, was a shadowy presence at best in his youngest sons life, having no interest in the welp that went glassy eyed and bored when his destiny was laid out before him. Instead, the raising of the boy was left to his mother, a gentler creature, who introduced her son to the arts. Music, paintings, sculptures, things of beauty became abundant in his life, and theater and dance recitals become a favored outing for the growing boy. When one day he was brought to the ballet, his fate was sealed.

He never speaks of what it was he saw, or what it was that sparked the fascination in him, it seems to be his only secret. But as they left the theater, he told his mother that he had found what he wanted to do. He wanted to dance. Ever obliging, his mother enrolled him classes, and when he showed an aptitude for the art she made sure to acquire the best teachers possible for him. But not even the most dedicated master could keep up with the boys obsessive pursuit, his need for perfection, for acquiring what it was he sought. He was not yet eleven when he first appeared on stage with a professional ensemble, performing in a Midsummer Nights Dream. Since then he’s appeared time and time again, steadily growing in fame, accruing accolades and praise, and becoming the rising star among his peers. All at the expense of a traditional schooling. Something his father finally has decided to put an end to by sending him to his own alma matter, with the threat that Jarvis would be entirely cut off, should he fail to graduate. Which was enough to get his capricious son in line.


- Jarvis is easily obsessed with his interests, and this extends to people to, where you a short-lived muse? Did he grow bored with you, or was he too much and you escaped?

- His family holds the depts, and through that the short leash on many a wealthy family, is yours one of them?

- The family isn’t entirely comprised of obsessive barbarians, they offer a grant and a full ride scholarship for a single student attending Lockheath each year, is that how you’re paying your way?