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23:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nikolai Kuznetsov

Name: Nikolai Kuznetsov

Nickname: Niko

Age: 45

Physical Description/Distinguishing Features: Nikolai is tall, standing at 6'2, and carries himself like a man who knows his worth. He is muscular but not ripped, his body is merely the result of an active life rather than the product of someone who wants to look super toned and goes to the gym. Niko makes it a point to always dress in suits and the complimentary clothes that goes with it, dress pants, shirts and shiny shoes. He favours darker and more muted colors. Even when he is clad in his normal outfit you can see hints of the many tattoos beneath, his hands and fingers are covered in symbols. Niko wears his gray hair in a stylish backslick and shaves regularly, preferring a more clean look. The Russian accent is quite thick, occasionally he might forget a word or two in English but overall it's merely another hint of spice to his character.

Personality Description: Calm, charismatic and cunning. Nikolai is an intelligent and mature man who prefers to use his words over his fists unless the moment calls for it. Those who respect and treat him with respect receive the same treatment. He can fit in with most folks, even those who would normally not associate with him, and put them at ease.

Occupation: Former Mobster

Likes and Dislikes (non-sexual):
Likes: Vodka and gambling. A good meal. Guns and the occasional fist fight, things that give him a rush. Expensive suits. The occasional cigarette or cigar.
Dislikes: Drugs, law enfrocement and government officials of basically any kind.

Sexual Likes: Niko is a heterosexual switch but leans more towards the dominant side. Although he has plenty of experience he doesn't shy away from experimenting. Likes to get his partner off. Spontaneous encounters outside the bedroom or a proper date doesn't matter, he enjoys both.

Sexual Dislikes: Toilet play, feet, anything that is too extreme.

History: Nikolai grew up in Russia, in the city of Moscow. His father was a government man and his mother was a stay at home mom. Niko performed well in school but he didn't have much respect for the people in charge and fell in with some bad people. He started to steal stuff and rebel against authority, along with some other minor offenses. In his teens his parents passed in a car accident and it didn't take long for him to start hanging around with the organized crime in Moscow, the so called Bratva. Soon he was complicit in robberies, theft, various kinds of racketeering and even murder. Niko rose quickly through the ranks given his natural skill in their line of work, and the fact that he brought in a lot of green certainly helped. Several prison sentences later he became a 'made man', a Vor V Zakone, after he saved the life of his boss. Life was looking good for Nikolai, he was earning a lot of money, commanded respect and the people above him only had good things to say about him.

But it didn't last for too long, a few years after commanding his own crew and when he was richer than ever, a deal went wrong and he got a target on his back. Niko's boss sold him out, figuring that it was better to get something out of a bad situation since Niko was basically a dead man anyway. Nikolai managed to find out about this, used plenty of his resources to hire a private plane to the States and left with his remaining money. Once he arrived in USA he contacted the Russian Mafia in New York, looking for a safe haven. But he wasn't the same man in America, these people didn't know him like those back in Russia. So he used up whatever influence he had with them, they got him a Green Card and some more money and sent him on his way. Niko left New York and headed to Las Vegas to start a new life. Whatever that is remains to be seen? A calm life, spent gambling and lounging? Or will he try to build his own little criminal Empire? Only time will tell...