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Welcome to Viva Las Vegas

22:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sorcha Laga

Name: Sorcha Laga

Nickname (if applicable): N/A

Age: 35

Physical Description/Distinguishing Features: (Reference pic at the bottom) Long stark red hair, pale skin and tall at 6'2"  The same as every woman in her family.  Sorcha has a very large bust and although never obsecene in public she knows how to get anything she wants from those who find her attractive.   She currently always wears lipstick that matches her hair.  And can be found depending on the occasion in everything from a suit, to a formal dress to visit royalty, to a black skirt and dr martens.  She knows how to dress for any setting she may find herself.

Personality Description: She is as hot headed and anyone from Scotland can be.  She can be haughty at times.  Sorcha knows her worth and her families' worth and has no desire to be perceived through any other lens.  That being said she is very friendly when she has reason to be, and the few people she calls a friend will never find a more loyal friend.

Occupation: Scotch Heiress

Likes and Dislikes (non-sexual): Fencing, her father insisted Sorcha take up a sport and she did keeping it as a way to relieve stress.  Not amazing at it but not terrible either.  She is also a Bass player and loves to jam when she has a band.  To this day her family has no idea that the Holidays she would take in her mid 20's was her traveling to dingy club after dingy club playing her heart out.  She has a dislike of Football (Soccer) as her father would dote on his team more than her.

Sexual Preference: Lesbian and Poly, Though she will indulge certain kinks with anyone.

Sexual Likes: Sorcha is surprisingly a switch at times she wants to let go and not have to worry about control and other times she wants to use her partners tongue however she sees fit.  She especially wants her breasts and ass worshiped by her partner(s)

Sexual Dislikes: Scat, Furry and Feet are all no goes.


Sorcha grew up on her families estate.  The Laga family has been making Scotch for almost 150 years.  As a young woman she was taught the trade and knows every step of the process as well as any worker on any part of the line.  She was educated with specialized at home tutors. The expectation she would take over when of the right age as she has no siblings.  Sorcha went to the University of Edinburgh for her studies which mainly focused on literature.  Then would spend a few years helping with the distillery before leaving for a time (the aforementioned dingy club tours as an example).   She now works for the distillery full time but her father is in amazing health and continues to run the business so Sorcha takes on other paths, which often times are not what he father wants, but he cannot control her.

Sorcha finds herself in Vegas for a multitude reasons.  First and on the surface foremost to act as a brand ambassador for Laga Scotch.  Though they are old it is very costly stuff and not found in every liquor store.  But she will get it in every casino.  Second is to play some venue in Vegas as a dream come true.  And Third is just to get away and have experiences she has not had before.

She has several tattoos across her body for a variety of reasons.  On her left arm is a tattoo in honor of The MorrĂ­gan her patron goddess, thought mainly Irish based her home in Scotland always shared in the deities worship.

Sorcha has a Thistle flower on her right arms, that turns into vines as it winds around the arm to her back which is a large floral piece of various Vines and Flowers from Scotland.

Left Arm