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Welcome to Viva Las Vegas

19:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Adam Starkross

Name: Adam Starkross

Nickname (if applicable):

Age: 26

Physical Description/Distinguishing Features: Adam has short brown hair with bangs that often fall down over one eye. His eyes are an icy blue color. He's got a pretty casual, chill style off the clock. A style that often consists of a simple pair of jeans, sneakers or boots and tight tee-shirt or muscle shirt that shows his toned upper body.

Personality Description: Friendly, personable and easy to talk to as any good bartender should be.

Occupation: Bartender

Theme Song: TBD

Likes and Dislikes (non-sexual): Likes to play card games, so poker, blackjack games like that. He also likes to sing and play the guitar. What he likes most is working the bar and getting to meet and know all kinds of people from all over the world. He's a people person so meeting new people is always fun for him. Dislike wise Adam dislikes rude people as well as people that talk down to him. What he especially hates is being used and tossed aside like yesterday's garbage. It's happened one to many times in life and he hates it more then anything.

Sexual Preference: Straight as an arrow.

Sexual Likes: Again get to know me and maybe you'll find out.

Sexual Dislikes: Scat and any sort of bathroom play

History: Adam used to have a bit of a history with the woman that now own and runs the casino he used to work at. They were high school sweethearts and were going strong for quite some years. But over time he supposed she got bored or whatever and ended up marrying their asshole of a boss. He supposed he couldn't really blame her despite the guy being a total asshat he came from money and could give her the life she always wanted but one he himself could never give her. It hurt of course to be pushed aside so easily, but Adam loved this woman and so couldn't really find it in his heart to truly hate her. Was he bitter? Yes of course, who wouldn't be? But again he couldn't and wouldn't blame her for doing what she did to him. Besides the way he saw it if something is meant to be with someone then that someone will come back to you one day and if not then it wasn't meant to be.