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21:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jasmin Fortuna


Name: Jasmin "Jaz" Fortuna
Gender: Female


Hair:Dark Brown (mostly)
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 112 lbs


Background: Legacy Admit
Primary Clique: Outcasts
Secondary Clique: Jocks
Sexuality: Pan


Major, if decided:Nutritional Sciences
Minor, or Second Major, if applicable: Kinesiology

Goals/Aspirations:Get away from her father and family, strike out on her own and become a world class athlete, a fitness trainer, and nutrition expert

Assets and Strengths: Strong, Tough, Driven, Fearless, Quick-Witted, Confident, Strategic Thinker, Loyal to her Friends, Will Stick Up for the Under Dog, Disinterested in Popularity, Good Sense of Fairness & Equity, Excellent Memory.

Liabilities and Weaknesses: Antagonistic, Bad Temper, Likes to get into physical confrontations, Has Problems with Authority Figures, Haunted By Past Trauma, Emotional, Sometimes Makes Bad Decisions, Does not Live Up to her intellectual potential, Vengeful, Willful, Foul Mouthed, Has No Trouble Using People for her Own Pleasure.



Jaz stands a very compact 5'2" tall, weighing in at about 112 lbs, with dark brown hair (when not dyed some outrageous color) and hazel eyes that tint towards the greenish; she is very cut and athletic, and sports a range of tattoos all over her rather pale-skinned body.  She mostly dresses down and she is always working out, and never wears make-up or dresses, or anything she considers 'girly'.  She wears a nose ring most of the time, and sometimes a few finger rings, but very little jewelry beyond that.  She looks like she spends quite a lot of her free time in the gym working out, and this is largely true, although she also runs quite a lot too.  The sharp-eyed will also see old bruises, cut-marks, scars, and other skin blemishes which have mostly faded with time but still can be seen - relics from past confrontations.  She definitely carries herself in public as though she was afraid of nothing on earth.

 In the past Jaz was a very smol, quiet, mousey girl who was repeatedly victimized in her own home, and who has since made it her full-time occupation towards making sure that never happens again, strengthening herself body, mind, and spirit to the point where she is pretty much a badass.  Now she has swung in the opposite direction, and will not think twice about lashing out in words or fists towards anyone she deems deserves it, no matter what their status is.  She would most likely be in jail now, were it not for the ministrations of her family, especially her father, who will spend whatever it costs to keep his youngest daughter's scandalous fall-out hidden and minimized.  There is deeply buried past trauma associated with her family, and it is the root cause of her personality now, but so far it is far too painful for her to examine it, so she keeps all hidden, especially from herself - this sometimes leads to very bad decision-making, usually involving getting drunk, abusing drugs, or mindless, empty sex.  She insists, however, that her body is her temple, and she tries very hard not to pollute it, apart from the occasional binge now and then.  She can be a complicated friend, and a very bad adversary, but those who remain on her good side are pretty much there for life.  She is not a bully, but rather a bully-beater, and she can't endure seeing other people, even those she does not know, get abused in public - she will immediately react and not care about the consequences.  She is here largely against her will and only to humor her father, who has threatened to cut her out of the family's money if she doesn't carry on in the family tradition as a legacy, and not only attend Lockheath but thrive in it; she'll try, but only for the money and to shut them up about it.  Jaz's parents think this is all some kind of 'phase' that she will grow out of, underlining just how out of touch they are with her.  Her brother Anthony also was a legacy admit 5 years ago, and is the next in line to run the family business.

Jaz comes from the famous Fortuna banking family, whose finances subsidizes most of the industrial world as we now know it; her branch of the family resides in an exclusive Upper West side of Manhattan, in New York City. Her great-grandfather made the family's bones through banking in Italy, which was carried on by her grandfather, and her own father, until he became a two-term conservative Senator of New York.  He was recently voted out of office, and in no small part because of the trouble his daughter got into over the past couple of years; he is now trying to figure out another entry back into politics.  There are rumors of the family being tied to Mafia interests, both in Italy and in New York City,but nothing was ever proven true.  The family is very conservative and Catholic, and Jaz has become the largest cross the family bears - which suits Jaz just fine.  She longs to break away from her family once and for all, and become a diet, nutrition,and fitness instructor, and possibly a world-class athlete.  Jaz is into running, swimming, and field hockey, and is extremely careful about what she eats.  The science of food nutrition interests her very much, and she wants to be able to help other people transform themselves very  much like she was able to do for herself.  She has a shrink that her family forces her to go to, but she's been skipping her appointments more often than not, and is no longer taking her meds - mostly because she felt they were making her gain weight.  Jaz has very little body fat overall, and she is meticulous about how she looks and how her body reacts when pushing it to its limits.  Because she burns a lot of calories all the time she can be found wolfing down large meals that might shame a football player; she also abuses caffeine to the point where her sleep is being truncated.  Her relationships with her family is very brittle, and she keeps away from them as much as possible.  When she was fifteen Jaz was able to run away and get as far away as Australia, before her father had her dragged back by a posse of private detectives who were barely able to bring her back and keep the incident mostly out of the public eye.  She also has had a history of petty theft, destruction of property, and other incidents which have largely been covered up by her family's wealth and influence.  Jaz has few friends, although the ones she has are very dear to her; she is mostly pansexual, interested more in what pleasures a relationship can bring her, but she really hasn't had a serious loving relationship with anyone as of yet. Jaz is in Lockheath largely because her father read her the riot act about cutting her off - but she also wants to take advantage and pick up what she can so she can learn about nutritional science and Kinesiology; she would love to open her own gym and holistic dietary education center; or maybe she could become a world-known fitness model.  Anything that gets her from under her father's thumb.

Jaz doesn't read much, nor watches much tv.  She does listen to music all the time, mostly anything obnoxiously loud and thrashy that gets her physically motivated.  She sometimes will go the movies, but prefers horror films that have good, bloody kills.  She is an atheist and is pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ+; her interest in politics is only so far as it is whatever makes her father grit his teeth.  She has money in her own private account but she is loathe to spend much because she fully expects to be cut off from the family fortune at some point in the future.  She has surprisingly little in the way of possessions: her phone, her ear buds, her clothes, her laptop, and some work-out gear and dumb bells.  She has a personally-signed Ronda Rousey poster in a nice frame, and a collection of mostly black sports bras, her keychain with a small tube of Mace, and not much else.

1. She has probably met Lucas Arden at some point, perhaps at a birthday party or vacation when they were both much younger; the Arden and Fortuna interests would be historically intertwined.  But Jaz has changed vastly since she became 14, so she would be very different than anyone remembers.

2. She has trained with Olympic-level athletes in the past, especially distance runners, and she has competed successfully in high school cross-country, winning several New York State and regional meets, and competing in Nationals; she is also a 2-time member of the New York State Athletic Association Field Hockey championship team. She has also dabbled in mixed martial arts.

3. Her father is a two-term senator from New York State; anyone with a background or interest in politics might have dealt with Jaz and her family that way.