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12:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Syline Leafcloak

Name: Syline Leafcloak
Race: Half-Elf
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110#
Age: 46
Hair: Ash-blonde
Eyes: Pale Green
Complexion: Almond
Birthplace/Nationality: Welkwood, Celene
Birth Date: The 3rd of Coldeven

Title: Aspirant
Description: Syline cuts a figure of wild mysticism with woad-painted skin peaking from her tattered and frayed robes of green wool. Her elven blood is strongly displayed through her batlike ears and silvery hair. She wears leather armor over her robes and carries a sickle-sword at her hip, dangling from her belted waist, along with a very simple leather backpack and wooden shield decorated with symbols of nature spirits. While stunningly beautiful, Syline also carries herself with an ageless confidence and wisdom, oftentimes appearing deep in contemplative thought or meditation.

Notes: Comprised of Ipt and Roanwood trees that average 100 feet in height, the imposingly mazelike Welkwood Forest is inhabited by centaurs, gnomes, Sylvan elves, human woodsmen, treants, and unicorns, and is situated in the southernmost part of the Elven kingdom of Celene, bordering the County of Ulek. This is where Syline was born and raised, sent to live among her mother's tribe of Sylvan elves, where she was raised from birth to follow the Old Faith of Beory and Obad-Hai. In her youth she spent many days playing among the forest, learning to subsist on nature while living with it and in it, while also training and studying to become a guardian of nature's way.