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19:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mallory Newhart

Name: Mallory Newhart
Gender: Female

Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: 5’8 (175 cm)
Weight: “Fuck off”

Background: New Money
Primary Clique: Outcasts
Secondary Clique: Nobody
Sexuality: Bi-curious

Major, if decided: Undecided
Goals/Aspirations: Mal just wants to keep her head down and go unnoticed as she works her way through the classes at Lockheath, so that she can get a degree that hopefully can set her up for a new future. She also hopes that with a bit of luck, she can lay low, and maybe after going through collage people will have forgotten she ever existed.

Assets and Strengths: She doesn’t think so herself, but she’s intelligent, and had the grades to get in on a merit scholarship but instead chose to pay out the cost of admission herself, by taking the money out of her rather sizeable trust fund.

Liabilities and Weaknesses: Crippling social anxiety can express itself in many ways. For Mal it’s a twitchy, nervous disposition, an inability to express herself properly when overwhelmed, and a fear of making people angry. Where others might get shy and quiet, Mal has instead adapted a hedgehog’s bristles out approach to personal defense, which makes her easily agitated, hostile, and suspicious.

Physical: 2
Social: 1
Mental: 5

There is a shuffling, bobbing, sack like heap of billowy hoodies, baggy jeans or layered, floor length skirts and chunky boots, in muted greys or washed out black that vaguely resembles the silhouette of a person that has recently been sighted in the corridors at Lockheath. It’s topped by a pale face, wreathed in a snarl of long black hair, gathered up into a messy bun, with loose tendrils and unruly bangs obscuring the face like a veil. From between the shifting tendrils, nervous, pale green eyes peer out, and twitch away if you ever try to investigate them. Ears, nose, and lips, all have little dimples and holes, suggesting there’s unoccupied spots for piercings and decorations, but the sack never seems to wear any.

The living mound of escaped laundry might as well have a kick me sign hung on the back of it. Mal's been the perpetual easy target her whole life. She’s sweet and kind, gentle by nature and timid by temper. It’s just too bad it’s all covered by a twitchy, high-strung energy that has her walking around with an air around her like the next loud noise might have her bolting for the hills. Fleeing is her first instinct in any encounter, as most of hers have been painful, either physically or emotionally. When that’s not an option, and she’s cornered, it’s all needles out, a short fuse, and desperate flailing attempts not to be her worst self, while still avoiding what pablovian condition has taught her will surely be another hit.

George Newhart and Jacinda Porter, father, and mother of Mallory, are two of the most prominent public figures of modern times, and unsurprisingly loom large in Mal's life. Mr. Newhart has been world famous as the man to follow to see where the tides in tech and investment are moving. He’s been on the forefront as a venture capitalist, angel investor, and as a stock trader, amassing a private fortune that has put him consistently among the richest people in the world for decades, while at the same time running a number of ventures that have made other people very, very rich.

Mrs. Newhart, although she more often goes by Porter, is a philanthropic giant, managing charities all across the globe, running the gamut from funding children’s hospitals to raising relief and aid funds for those displaced by conflict or the devastation that nature might bring. She has sat on the board of several charities and public goods, and also maintained a media career, with a daytime talk show, two magazines, a production company, lifestyle goods and for a brief time even her own streaming service.

It was a lot to live up to, and a lot of pressure on Mal who never had her parents explosively charismatic extroversion. She was entirely the opposite in fact, and even as a child she didn’t do well when the spotlight was shone on her. In school she struggled with bullies, her meek and timid nature marking her as easy pickings while her breakdowns and fledgling attempts at defending herself were rewarding for those that wanted to get a rise out of her. Among her rich peers she didn’t do much better, and almost never appeared at public events, after a few disastrous attempts that all ended in panic attacks and Mal getting rushed home in a car.

High school was especially tough for Mal who – oh wait. This bit won’t work if you don’t remember the truth. Let’s take it from the top!

George Newhart and Jacinda Porter, as of five years ago, are the two most notorious swindlers, conmen, embezzlers, and frauds in modern times. George ran an empire of wealth built on lies, deceit, layers upon layers of cons and other people’s money. Among his creations were the largest Ponzi scheme ever devised, a crypto scam so archaic it will take decades to untangle it, and all its associated branches, fraudulent tech companies that sucked up enough wealth to fund a space program and never produced anything worthwhile, and a real estate portfolio that’s nothing but a house of cards. The cherry on top was the money laundering operation he ran on the side, from which he siphoned no small amount of money from some very unsavory types.

Jacinda’s whole public persona came crashing to the ground at the same time her husbands did. After all, she was part of it to, running charities through which they could pass their stolen wealth, pocketing, and embezzling donations, while also using the infrastructure and worldwide transport network that had been set up by her various and well-connected organizations to smuggle all manner of illegal goods from all corners of the world. And let’s not forget the small stuff, like all the health and wellness scams she’s pushed through the decades.

Knowing this, was it a wonder that Mal was a nervous wreck? It all came to light roughly by the time Mal was entering high-school, and was a highly reported on, and public affair. Her school life, which had never been easy, became unbearably vicious after that, with daily bullying, while being relentlessly pursued by the media, in hopes that she might reveal something.

She lived through it, even her parent’s conviction, neither of them will probably ever see the light of day outside of a cell ever again, and the media circus has finally died down. Now, she’s keeping her head down, and trying to get through school, so that maybe she can come out on the other end with a ticket to a new life.