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19:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Roman Gantt


Name: Roman Gantt (James Roman Gantt MacDonnell)
Gender: Male

Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Grey
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210 lbs

Background: New Money
Primary Clique: Jocks
Secondary Clique: Popular
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Major, if decided: Art History
Minor, or Second Major, if applicable: Law
Goals/Aspirations: Football Superstar. That's the dream, though his family will do all they can to prevent that happening – his grandfather and father helped set up Lone Wolf Capital, one of the most successful hedge funds in the world, and young James is going to follow the same path, whether he wants to or not. James/Roman wants to be in college playing Division I football right now, but had to settle for this (purgatory) instead.

Assets and Strengths: An unshakeable belief in himself as a person (and ballplayer) with a burning desire for the future waiting for him if he can only grasp it. Not about to let anything or anyone get in his way (family excepted). Cool-headed, practical, patient, unflappable. Built like a Greek god, a tremendous athlete, smooth-talking and charming (when he wants to be). He's not cruel or a bully like many jocks, but he's not exactly warm either - this is a means to an end for him, and little more.

Liabilities and Weaknesses: A privileged childhood, but one filled with more darkness than light - the horrible loneliness and lovelessness of the one percent of the one percent. Terrible nannies, terrible (and hideously expensive) private schools, physical abuse, and emotional ruin. Coming through all that was a rite of passage to Roman, a realisation that after all of that hell the only way was forwards. For all that he despises his entire family (with the exception of his cousin Jessica, on his mother’s side), he is still inexorably tied to them, and (for now) there is no way out. MacDonnell men are traditionally emotionally distant (or absent), hard-working, hard drinking, philanderers - Roman is determined to buck the trend, but old (genetic) habits die hard. Can be ruthless and lacking in empathy.

Physical: 5
Social: 3
Mental: 2

Tall, with the build of a professional athlete, with room to add more weight and muscle as he matures. Dark brown hair and grey eyes that seem to look right through you. Tries to dress-down, but even his casual clothes reek of money. Looks and acts like he belongs wherever he happens to be, because he is so sure in himself.

As before: cool-headed, practical, patient, unflappable. Smooth-talking and charming (when he wants to be). Not cruel or a bully like many jocks, but not exactly warm either - this is a means to an end for him, and little more. However, very occasionally, the darkness of childhood and genetic deficiencies come back to haunt him, and then he can live down to the habits of all MacDonnell men. If provoked in those moments, he's gonna punch you in the face - Roman Gantt would let it slide, James MacDonnell absolutely will not.

Somewhere along the path of recent history (or infamy) two largely unremarkable families amalgamated, the Gantts (French origin) and the MacDonnells (Scottish). The former were one-time bankers fallen on hard times, the latter nothing more than bandits, cattle rustlers. And they might have stayed that way, but fate intervened - Grandpa Jack managed to survive WWII and used the GI Bill to educate himself in law, and his son Jonny used dad’s money to get into finance - together they got in at the beginning as Lone Wolf Capital was founded, and from there the money has poured in. James is to follow in their footsteps, working all hours, while occasionally indulging in such pastimes as yachting, racing fast cars, partying hard, the usual lavish playboy lifestyle. Playing professional sports is most definitely not included in that - games are for kids. Real men work long hours in real jobs, making real money, marrying real women, and having real families (and real mistresses, and drinking habits, and worse). Family loyalty is everything, and you do as you are told; what you want has nothing to do with it. Not that either his grandfather or father ever appear to be happy with their lives, but when did that ever matter?

It's not a path Roman has any intentions of following. As a child he would wander off alone, and it would take the entire household hours to find him (the beatings which followed never discouraged him), and, he would wander off and do all he could to never be found again - at least, he would if he hadn't found football, the primal sport which makes him feel alive. Physical pain is almost welcomed, Roman can take that - it’s much more easily healed than mental scars. Lockheath was a compromise forced on him by the family, a way of allowing him a couple of years to 'get it out of his system' (what Roman thinks of as junior college before going to a BIG college), before drawing him back to more appropriate (and important) pursuits.

Charity balls, gallery openings, any big social event in the Big Apple or the Hamptons? Check.

Hideously over the top parties where anything goes? Check.

Ridiculously exclusive European excursions to St Tropez, Cannes, Capri? Check.

The unlikely occasional museum or library visit? Also check.

You may also have met Roman through his cousin, Jessica, who calls him Jimmy.