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23:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Liliana D'Angelo

Name: Liliana D'Angelo

Nickname (if applicable): Lily, Princess (family and friends of family in a teasing way)

Age: 22

Physical Description/Distinguishing Features: Liliana would consider herself rather average looking. Standing at 5’4” she is of average build if slightly on the athletic side. Her Italian heritage is apparent in the olive undertones to her skin, deep brown hair and eyes, and strong facial features. While she does clean up rather nicely, she far prefers jeans and t-shirts, especially when working. Her long hair is usually kept up in a ponytail and if she remembers mascara and lip gloss she considers herself to be dressed up. She has a series of small scars along her right bicep, side, and thigh.

Personality Description: Liliana is a genuinely sweet person that tries to see the best in others. She is fiercely loyal to those she cares about to the point she has put her own life in danger in the past. She has always been what would be considered a tomboy, enjoying time outdoors and more traditionally male activities. While she is aware of the family business, she tries to distance herself from it, wanting to make her own way in the world.

Occupation: Volunteer at Mojave Haven for Animals

Theme Song: My Way by Frank Sinatra

Likes and Dislikes (non-sexual): Loves animals, sunsets, slow dancing, zeppoles. Hates liars, ostentatious behavior, gambling.

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Sexual Likes: Not entirely certain yet due to limited experience

Sexual Dislikes: Bathroom stuff, blood, and possibly more as she explores sexually

Liliana is the second born child of Lorezno and Giana D’Angelo. Her brother Valentino (Val) is four years older and has served as her protector and number one tormentor for as long as she can remember. While Liliana has no memory of the incident, she and her mother were attacked on the way home from a shopping trip when Liliana was six. Giana was killed and Liliana was injured with only a few small scars serving as proof. The attack was made by a gang attempting to move into Las Vegas and send a message to Lorenzo, the head of the Italian mob in Vegas.

After the attack, Liliana was kept under tight security, receiving a private in-home education until the age of eleven. Due to the lack of interaction with other children, other than her brother and his best friend Adam, she developed a strong interest and bond with the security dogs, her own pet pit bull (Sir Sprinkle Butt aka Sprinkles) and the wildlife that lived on the estate.

At eleven she was sent to Linden Hall all girls boarding school in Pennsylvania. She began to come out of her shell once surrounded by girls her own age but the early years of isolation still had an impact. However visiting home during the summer and winter holiday was the highlight of each year, having missed her family greatly. Especially her grandmother Valentina, whom Val was named after due to her fierce personality.

After graduating from Linden Hall, she attended the University of Florida where she earned a Bachelors in Animal Science with a focus on Zoology. Her summers and breaks were spent in Florida where she either focused on her studies or volunteered at various animal shelters and sanctuaries. It was during one of these summers that she fell in love with a fellow student (Ricky) focusing on domestic animals.

Their romance lasted about a year and she was talking about bringing him back to Vegas to meet her family when they were held up at knife point. Ricky attempted to make a show of his own strength and intimidate the robber only to get stabbed. Having been taught how to defend herself, she disarmed and knocked the robber unconscious. Despite stabilizing Ricky’s injury and saving his life, he broke up with her, unable to handle being saved by his smaller and less than intimidating girlfriend.

Upon graduation she was accepted into an internship program with the Tampa Zoo but she returned home to help out with her beloved grandmother who suffers from Alzheimer's and dementia. She was able to secure a volunteer position at an animal sanctuary in order to gain some additional hands-on experience and time away from being a caretaker.

While she loves her father and appreciates all he has given her, she disagrees with his work and Val's involvement. She tries to live simply and hopes to be able to move out of the family house and into her own place once she is able to find steady work. Though ideally, she would love to find a position at a zoo and keeps her eye on the job boards, no matter where in the country it may be.

~Works at an animal sanctuary, come volunteer or adopt!
~Feels like she’s being followed/watched, does her family connection mean she has her own FBI tail?