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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

17:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Juan Lorenzo

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Apparent Age: 30
Embrace Date: 31 July 1880
Clan: Tremere

Brief Bio: Juan Lorenzo is one of the most dangerous Tremere in existence.  Very few Tremere, let alone other kindred can match his personal power base.  Often referred to as "Dragon" due to his time in Asia and fascination with such creatures, Juan has the status and prestige to get away with such a moniker.  He is a retired Archon, a former Primogen, and the slayer of Rowan Magister.  He is highly ranked in his own clan, and nearly every power play in the Queen City over the last two decades has felt Juan's touch.

Juan's star is no longer on the rise, but has instead found a permanent place in the night sky.  Highly respect, often feared, and rarely doubted, Juan Lorenzo's personal magnetism makes him someone who always gets attention everywhere he goes.  Perhaps somewhat ironically, Juan's origins are much more humble.  He is the bastard son of a Mexican cowboy and an Irish working girl.  Growing up around women, Juan learned quickly he had a weakness for them.  However, he also learned how to work his natural charm and wits.  Dragon's social aptitude is the primary reason for his embrace, but his intelligence and wits turned out to be a necessary advantage.

Inventory: Swordcane, pocket humidor with imported cigars, tailored armor, .44 Magnum, cellphone, 5,000.00 in cash

Difficulty: 9