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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

19:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Miguel Giovanni

Height: 6'
Weight: 270lbs.
Hair: Salt and Pepper
Eyes: Brown
Apparent Age: Mid 40s
Embrace Date: 19 July 1695
Clan: Giovanni

Brief Bio: Miguel was one of the first Giovanni Embraced by Augustus. He is cool, polite, shrewd, and very calculated. Miguel is something of an information broker on the side as well. His Necromancy allows him to get information that is otherwise inaccessible, even for the Nosferatu.

While he wasn't the first Giovanni to be in Charlotte he is the oldest and has therefore set himself up as the Patriarch for his clan. Yet, he gives the others a great deal of autonomy.

Miguel has a political agenda, but being privy to the clan's ultimate goals he spends most of his time enhancing his Necromancy. This does not mean Miguel is lacking. Miguel unquestioningly profited the most from John's coup and abandonment of his influences in Steadtler Dynamics. The Ventrue's rival had been slowly moving and chipping at the gigantic holding company that when John's influence collapsed Miguel was there to fill the void so quickly that by the time others in the city moved they found themselves blocked by an already entrenched Miguel.

Inventory: Blackberry cell phone, a Rolex, fake IDs,

Difficulty: 8