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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

18:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kelly Cartier

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 137lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Embrace Date: 16 November 1856
Clan: Toreador

Brief Bio: Kelly was embraced in 1856 by her Sire, the owner of a large plantation in Charleston, South Carolina. Her Sire had become quite infatuated with Kelly's exotic appearance and her ability to say just the right thing to him at just the right time. Kelly was "bred" for house work and as a result was given a rudimentary education as a mortal. Once embraced her Sire gave her a full on education, teaching her to read and write and how to conduct herself civilly. Kelly was something of a novelty, one of the first black embraces in the US, and learned to host parties for her Sire, who was already an accomplished Keeper of Elysium.

When the civil war came to Charleston her Sire tried to flee the fires of the Union army. In his panic he abandoned Kelly at their plantation only hours before the Union army arrived. Kelly fled as well, but headed north to New York City while her Sire fled south. To this day Kelly does not know if her Sire survived the Civil War, but she believes he perished in Charleston.

Kelly was summoned to Charlotte by Maryse Montfort, Sire to Christian Knox. Maryse summoned Kelly to host a meeting of powerful Toreador, including the clan's Justicar. Kelly became infatuated with the city and decided to make it her permanent residence with Maryse's blessing. Kelly quickly sailed through the ranks of Elysium and within a year then Prince Rowan Magister declared her Keeper of Elysium.

Kelly has since proven to be quite adept at managing any gathering of Kindred. She has been abroad to manage conclaves, and other meetings if dignitaries in the Camarilla.

Inventory: Kelly carries two cell phones, one for personal use, the other for business, a small, tasteful, clutch or wallet containing several credit cards, and car keys.

Difficulty: 7