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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

21:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Anton English

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 174lbs.
Hair: Balding (dark Brown)
Eyes: Brown
Apparent Age: Mid 40s-Early 50s
Embrace Date: 20 June 1846
Clan: Ventrue

Description: A broodmate to Phoenix, the two had a severe falling out after their sire was killed and Anton blamed it on Phoenix, driving him out of the Camarilla. Since then a cold war has brewed between the two, neither of them making any outward moves towards the other but the tenision has been simmering for nearly a hundred years and is bound to explode any time.

Anton is a social climber but the bad business with Phoenix has impaired his ability to climb the ladder and he hasn't made nearly the progress he should have with his abilities and age. Not to mention he seems to almost compulsively betray those he does business with making most smart kindred keep him at arms length.

Inventory: Suits & canes.

Difficulty: 5