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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

23:15, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Michael St.Claire

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175lbs.
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Apparent Age: Early 30s
Embrace Date: 29 December 1788
Clan: Toreador

Brief Bio:  Michael is a French-American, born to rare French immigrants in Virginia.  Michael remembers the American Revolution as a young boy and both an older sister as well as his father being major advocates for an alliance with the French.

Michael is a handsome man.  He is classically trained to play several horns.  He is also an avid writer (an actually worked in the print), and an accomplished duelist.  It was no wonder that Michael was embraced by the infatuated elder Francesca.  Michael turned out to be quite a bit more then just a kindred with a few neat tricks, a necessary advantage.

Michael is opinionated and political, the sort of kindred that is dangerous enough to achieve his goals.  He was Rowan's court historian until she was destroyed, and then in tradition stepped from the shadows to record the notes of John's reign.  This time, Michael has decided that he would prefer not to sink back into the shadows while Dragon rules.  He believes the Tremere is not going anywhere anytime soon, and so the best thing to do at this point is align himself with them.  Unfortunately, his loyalties are to his sire and to Riley, who are themselves aligned with Sabina, Dale, April, & the bitch herself Germaine.  It's all a big mess.

Michael still helps Germaine because he was blood bound to her for a time and because it is what Riley is doing.  Michael follows Riley's lead in most things done on their sire's behalf, but he is a meticulous schemer himself, and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty if the right opportunity presents itself.

Inventory: Custom wardrobe, Antiquated car collection, Victorian collection,  Chronicles of Charlotte timeline, huge herd, bodyguard, limo & driver, & Germaine & Riley's backs

Difficulty: 5