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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

20:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

David Washington

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 350lbs.
Hair: Bald
Eyes: Brown
Apparent Age: Mid 30s
Embrace Date: 16 April 1831
Clan: Ventrue

Description: David Washington was a slave who was embraced by a Southern plantation owner looking for someone to better control the vast numbers of slaves he owned. David Washington "repaid" the favor by staking his sire out in the sun.

David kept the plantation going, using dominated white men to keep appearances until the civil war allowed him to take ownership of his property directly.

Since then he was a rising economic force in the Carolina area, expanding from agriculture to textiles to industry and manufacturing. It was in no small part through his support that both Rowan and John Lee acquired the resources needed to claim praxis over the city.

An interesting note: Both of those princes had horrific falls and association to either of them is a terrible black mark. As David had strong ties to both of them, his fall has been almost as swift as the two ex-Princes. The only thing that kept him alive was his high status in the Camarilla and known help for the cause against the Sabbat. Even still, titles alone won't keep him afloat and his status in the Camarilla is dropping fast.

Most recently he ran into conflict with Catrina Armstrong who not only easily won the conflict but thoroughly embarrassed the man so now despite his once lofty position the anacillae are looking down at him and even some of the neonates have been snapping at his heels. Due to his recent blunders and failures David is circling his few remaining wagons and trying to keep hold of the few remaining assets and resources he still controls, focusing on the mortal world to rebuild and recoup.


Difficulty: 5