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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

22:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bret Freeman

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 283lbs.
Hair: Black Dreadlocks
Eyes: Brown
Apparent Age: Late 20s
Embrace Date: 04 December 1999
Clan: Brujah

Brief Bio:  Besides being Edge's childe and a ranked Underground fighter with an impressive 27 and 6 record, Freeman's claim to fame is that he looks like a linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys.  That is to say that Bret Freeman is built like a tank.  He is very powerful and intimidating to behold, and rumor has it that he hits like a train.

It comes with little surprise that Freeman is a Anarch rabble.  He is one of his sire's Lieutenants, and rarely appears outside of Anarch territory unless he is causing trouble or working with the Wrecking Crew on whatever task they may be doing.

Inventory:  Baseball Bat, Raiders Jersey, 28.37 in Cash

Difficulty: 5