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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

22:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

William John Montgomery III

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 161lbs.
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Brown
Apparent Age: Late 50s
Embrace Date: 12 March 1890
Clan: Ventrue

Brief Nio:  Mr. Montgomery is another of John's childre and far less well known then Primogen Reznick.  William Montgomery was a Virginian living in Richmond when the American Civil War broke out.  While he did not fight, Montgomery did supply weapons to the South before his stockpiles were finally seized by Federalists.  William was fortunate enough to have anticipated this, and set a large chunk of his new found fortune aside.

Montgomery maintained a low profile up until the latter end of the Prohibition, where only a few short years later he was once again admired for his millions and millions in wealth and assets, a large chunk obviously acquired illicitly.

William Montgomery has proven to be a Ventrue that seems to always be in good standing.  He is distant, and values his privacy, but Montgomery is known for his sense of humor as well.  Interestingly enough, William seems to be on the hunt for some new allies, and has been seen in the company of April St.Claire and Norman Walsh.

Inventory:  Snazzy suit, switchblade, as much money as he wants, sense of humor, & bodyguard

Difficulty: 4