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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

20:15, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Summer Glass

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 118lbs.
Hair: Green
Eyes: Blue
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Embrace Date: 13 February 1996
Clan: Gangrel

Brief Bio:A young punk destined for trouble, Summer was born to hippies and rebelled at an early age. Throwing "peace and love" to the trash, she preferred hard rock and numerous body piercings. Her sire noticed her aggresesive spirit at a concert when another punk tried to get a little to personal with her for her liking. After breaking his jaw, arm, and three fingers, her sire knew that she was the right kind of person to enter into clan Gangrel.

Being Embraced has only made her wild streak even wilder. She openly rejects any kind of sect affiliation, viewing the Camarilla as a bunch of stiffs and the Sabbat as a bunch of tools. She dresses scandolously, dies her hair wild colors and is young enough to still want to go out and party every night without fear or concern about the consequences.

She has drawn a bit of ire from her sire as she frequently breaches the masquerade. The only thing keeping her off the Camarilla radar is that she does so in front of drunk and stoned punk rockers in the middle of concerts so nobody really notices or remembers the girl with glowing eyes that was biting the neck of the dude next to her. They just remember her as the wild chick who really knows how to party.

Inventory: Brass Knuckles, Leather Jacket, Motorcycle

Difficulty: 3