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Welcome to Game of Thrones: What if

09:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Game of Thrones: What if

This is a Westeros and also a Essos that are far different than the ones you know. In this telling Rhaegar won the Battle of the Trident and is now King. As a result several Houses have changed and events as well.

Of the major conspirators Robert Baratheon, Jon Arryn, Ned Stark and Hoster Tully only Ned Stark remains. Rhaegar took a lot in consideration in this but mostly his feelings for Lyanna Stark and Ned's Code of Conduct. That's not to say there wasn't assurances to keep the Starks from trying to rise again. Robb Stark is held as ward in King's Landing by King Rhaegar himself.

Balon Greyjoy did rebel again and The Starks supported the King. Once again Theon is a ward of Eddard.

The Eyrie is now under the Royces care. As Jon Arryn had no heirs it was what made the most sense. Lyssa Tully is now Lyssa Royce and still has a son.

The Riverlands are held by the Darry family. Though the Frays did stand by the King they arrived late while he Darry's fouhgt alongside the Targaryens from the offset. Needless to say Lord Walder isn't happy by this at all. Though he shows his support for his "liege lord". Edmure is at Riverrun though Rhaegar expects him to bend the knee. If he does it would show good will aon the Tullys.

The Storm Lands; Have been under the control of House Connington. Renly is technically the one who will shape the Lands or at least his heir will. To help secure this allegiance Cersei Lannister married Renly and their son  Jofferey will become the new Liege Lord when he becomes a man grown.

This leaves us the Lannisters. As stated Cersie is wed to Renly though it's about as successful as her and Robert. No one understands why the Hand of the King Tywin would allow his daughter to marry a sullied House but he alstated they are related to the King and it's an honor. Jaime Lannister is on the Run in Essos though he's not alone. There are rumors that he has joined up with one of the Mercenary groups and is biding his time to perhaps rise against King Rhaegr. Tyrion still plots and waits though rumors are he will not inherit Casterly Rock in the event his father should die. Instead Kevai s stands to inherit the lands.

In King's Landing there is a tournament to be held with the winner standing to to win the hand of  Daenyris Stormborn. For a long time people thought that she would be wed to either Viserys or the King's youngest son. This was put to an end when Rhaegar stated that incestral relationships were an abomination in the eyes of the Seven and were no longer permited.