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Welcome to Raiders of the Republic

22:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Raiders of the Republic

The Roman Federated Republic (RFR) is the Roman Republic of the year 60 BC but in space.  Planets take the place of cities, systems or groups of systems called Sectors, replace provinces.  The RFR is a mix of ancient and high tech.  The army is composed of legions organized much as the Roman army was, but the legionnaire wears power armor and the navy uses starships.

Socially, the RFR is human-centric, that is, only humans are citizens and members of other species are second-class at best.  There are several subject species in the RFR along with genetically modified humans (also non-citizen) and a few Telepaths (people with psychic powers, also non-citizen).  The Humans are divided into four classes: Patricians, Equestrians, Plebeians, and Non-Citizen Humans.

The Republic is governed by two co-equal consuls elected annually; a Senate representing the worlds of the Republic; and a Council of Plebeians.  The Council is weakest body with mostly ceremonial duties.  Factional in-fighting in the Senate is the heart of Roman politics.  Patricians are expected to serve in the military and follow the Cursus Honoram, the classic political career through the ladder of Roman offices.

Unknown to the general population of plebeians is the rebellion against the Republic.  It is composed of an equal mix of non-humans, freedom fighters from Roman conquered worlds, those humans not considered “human” (such as telepaths and mutants), and dissatisfied Romans.  Operating on a cell system to avoid the Crimson Guard, the Roman intelligence service, and the Legions, the rebellion strives to force change on the Republic, to make it a more humane government for the betterment of all sentients.  At least, that is what the leaders claim.  The reality is that many cells have varying goals from supplanting the current rulers with themselves, to the complete over-throw of the Republic and a return to chaos.