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Welcome to Dragon Hold - Council of Dragons

02:09, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dragon Hold - Council of Dragons

Behold, O noble souls, the saga of Dragon Hold: Council of Dragons, where the very fabric of existence quivers beneath the majestic wings of six timeless behemoths! Here, within the hallowed ruins of Dragon Hold you rule under a mountain.

Dragon Hold is an Ancient City of Fallen Titans, the echoes of an age-old conflict still resound. Once, the Titans strode as divine demi-gods, commanding dragons, demons, and elementals with the authority of gods. Yet, their pride led them into a war of cosmic magnitude, and their legacy crumbled into dust.

But lo, the Dragons endure, bound by the ancient curse to stand as eternal sentinels over Dragon Hold, where titanic marvels once towered over the land. As an Elder Dragon, you wield dominion over Dragonkin priests and three tribes of Goblins, your word a thunderous decree that shapes the very destiny of this realm.

In Dragon Hold, the Chronicles of the Elder Dragons unfold through the  system, a realm where statistics pale before the radiant brilliance of narrative prowess. Here, amidst the swirling currents of fate, players immerse themselves in the grandeur of strategic deliberation and the artistry of immersive roleplay.

(In other words: We focus less on statistics and dice rolls, and more on roleplay. I "black box" the system so that players focus on capabilities and outcomes without tracking details and accounting.

This game is light on tactical combat, puzzles and offers no direct dungeon exploration. Instead, you send forth your champions and minions to do your bidding. The players share a domain and decide collaboratively much like an adventuring party would on the future of their kingdom.

Embrace your destiny as an Elder Dragon, and etch your legend upon the annals of Dragon Hold...