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Welcome to Babylon 5: All alone in the Night

13:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Babylon 5: All alone in the Night

An except from the personal log of Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova: dated January 8, 2259

My grandmother used to tell me ”Beda nikogda ne prihodit odna” or “trouble never comes alone.” Truer words have never been spoken about the situation on Babylon 5. Where do I start?

The Centauri and Narn have been at each other’s throats the last year and things came to a head with the Narn’s largest military build-up in the last year as they retook Quadrant 37 from the Centauri, only to have their entire outpost, planetary defense fleet, every structure on the planet, and 10,000 Narns wiped out in minutes by a mysterious force that then disappeared. No known race has the both the firepower and resolve to commit such an attack.

Garibaldi is still in a coma after being shot in the back investigating the now successful plot to kill President Santiago. I will never forget the moment when Sinclair and I were in C’n’C trying to warn the President on Earthforce One, but we were unable to get through the jammed channels and were hopeless as we watched the ship explode live on ISN. That chinless cretin Clark has been sworn in as President.

Speaking of another change of command, Sinclair was reassigned five days ago – effective immediately – to be the new Earth Ambassador to Minbar. I’m in charge until our new commanding officer, Captain Andrew Curtiss, arrives. No one here has served under him before and I only know him by reputation as a darling of the brass, but looking at his service record, he looks perfect for this role on paper. Let us hope he lives up to his reputation.

So now I’m working overtime running the station and trying to prepare for our new CO’s arrival. It feels like everything has changed, that everyone here will be a new face or a temporary placeholder with Jeff gone, Garibaldi out of commission, Delenn recalled to Minbar, and G’Kar’s mysterious disappearance.

I try not to give into my Russian pessimism and remember another of my grandmother’s favorite proverbs, ”Bog ne vydast, svin’ya ne s’yest.” “God willing, everything will be alright.”

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This game is set in the Babylon 5 universe during the transition period between Seasons 1 and 2. Players may take on the role of an established character from the show or create their own unique concept to join the cast as we explore how the storyline for Babylon 5 changes with new players on the world’s stage.