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12:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Who's Who

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 584 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 13:46
  • msg #1

Who's Who

This thread will be a running list of important NCs and PCs. They will be separated by House, Family, & Region. The information will be condense, and taken from the information provide by the GM, Co-GMs and the players. If a player is not happy with what we have written about their character, let Caladin (GM), or your Regional Co-GM know and we can change it.

 The idea behind this is to start a `Who's Who' thread to be openly read by all players (All houses are expected to supply and submit similar information to this thread).

 Its propose is for cross-referencing during character creation - if new players who may want to join the house, they'll have something to work with in terms of fitting in. And if players should cross paths with one or some of these NCs they'll have some idea of what the house structure is, and who they maybe dealing with.

"I want to give props to mellieb one of our Co-GMs for putting this forward and making this game even better."
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:02, Thu 04 Dec 2014.
GM, 586 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 13:49
  • msg #2

Re: Who's Who

House Targaryen
King Baelor
Baelor I, known as the Beloved and the Blessed, is the ninth Targaryen king to reign on the Iron Throne. He is known for his piety, and is a septon as well as a king. He is the second son of Aegon III and has ruled after the death of his brother Daeron I Targaryen. The Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing has recently constructed a statue in his image and honor. To this date none of the Targaryen kings are as beloved as Baelor, he loves the smallfolk and the gods in equal parts.
Baelor First of His Name
Princess Daena Targaryen
Princess Daena Targaryen, also known as Daena the Defiant, the eldest daughter of King Aegon III. She was the sister-wife of King Baelor I Targaryen. Daena is wild almost from birth. A Targaryen to the bone, she is strong, beautiful, and wilful and like the rest of her siblings has Valyrian looks. After her brother Baelor failed to consummate their marriage, she only wears white, and vowed to wear nothing else until she had been properly bedded, in hopes of shaming him - this has not worked. Baelor liked her in white, feeling that it made her look more innocent. Now she ia a pampered prisoner in her brother's court.
Princess Daena Targaryen
Aemon Targaryen
Aemon Targaryen, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, known as the Dragonknight was knighted young and joined the Kingsguard at the age of seventeen. He served under two kings: Daeron the Young Dragon and Baelor the Blessed. Prince Aemon has been referred to as the noblest knight who has ever lived, and his skill with a sword is legendary throughout Westeros. He bores the Valyrian steel sword Dark Sister, previously wielded by Aegon the Conqueror's sister-wife Visenya. Aemon once fought Cregan Stark. Prince Aemon claims he has yet to face a finer swordsman. Aemon took part in the invasion of Dorne, led by his cousin and King Daeron I. Aemon won great fame by defeating a Dornish champion, and was present several years later after the rebellion in Dorne undid Daeron's Conquest, and Daeron I himself died. Aemon was taken captive by the Dornish, and put in a crow cage, placed above a pit filled with vipers. He was recently rescued by his cousin Baelor, his new king.
Aemon The Dragonknight
Prince Viserys II Targaryen
Viserys II, was born in 122AC, he was the second born son of Prince Daemon Targaryen, and the fifth born son of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Viserys was named after his grandfather, King Viserys I Targaryen. He has four older brothers,three of which are half-siblings, Jacaerys Velaryon, Lucerys Velaryon and Joffrey Velaryon, and one full-blood brother, Aegon Targaryen. Viserys lived his younger years with his mother, father and brothers on Dragonstone. When his grandfather died in early 129AC it sparked a war of succession between Viserys' mother, Rhaenyra, and his half-uncle, Prince Aegon, who was crowned King Aegon II Targaryen, despite Rhaenyra having been the heir to the throne.
Prince Viserys Hand of the King
Prince Daeron Targaryen
Prince Daeron II, was born 154AC, father is Aegon IV Targaryen and mother Naerys Targaryen. Daeron is know for having a composed and serious manner that is worthy of respect. He is still very young (16) and has a kind thoughtful face. He is round-shouldered, with thin legs. His face has a certain quiet strength, his eyes are clear and full of resolve. He is a has been cultured by the best, and he already has started to become a scholarly young man who keeps the company of maesters and other learned men.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:47, Thu 04 Dec 2014.
GM, 589 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 14:55
  • msg #3

Re: Who's Who

Lord Quinn Chiffon
Lord Dannor Steiner
Vernon Steiner
Vernon Steiner: A young man of 23 years, he is devout follower of the Seven, a well repected swordsman, and Captain of the 'Claw'. He is the 1st Son & Heir to House Steiner and has a strong belief that 'Faith Begins in the Seven'.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:34, Tue 02 Dec 2014.
GM, 590 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 14:58
  • msg #4

Re: Who's Who


GM, 591 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 15:00
  • msg #5

Re: Who's Who

House Ashfield of the Reach
Lord Ascar IX is a seasoned campaigner of the Dornish wars, and a respected leader within the Reach for his tactical prowess and willingness to share resources for the common good. Once a temperamental youth, his hard edge has been softened over the years by the sight of so much carnage and the tenderness of his family. However, in true Ashfield fashion, Ascar is inclined to strong responses to challenges and is utterly merciless when unjustly provoked. He is proud of his children, but finds his twins particularly frustrating, seeing too much of himself in how they react to the world.
Lord Ascar IX
Originally a Baratheon of Storm's End, Lady Iliria married Ascar Ashfield with a not insignificant secret; she had born a bastard, fathered by a hedge knight from the Reach. It is not known whether House Ashfield had been aware of this potential scandal before marriage, but Ascar & Iliria's marriage has held strong regardless. Iliria has a forceful personality, and it is a normal state for there to be at least one family member that she isn't talking to at any given moment. She is also frustrated by the lack of courtly activity at Poppy Hall, and has tried to live her ambitions in that regard through her daughters, particularly Alianna.
Lady Iliria
Ser Victarion is the heir to House Ashfield, a strong young warrior just 21 years of age, but he is beginning to chafe under his father's direction. However, he is a good son, and respects the title of Lord, and demands respect from others for his own future ascent to that same title - he considers his own wants to be second only to those of Lord Ascar, and he is easily frustrated when his wants are ignored. Victarion is a drinker, and a seemingly incautious gambler...though his regular successes may indicate that he has unusually good instincts.
Ser Victarion
New to Poppy Hall, Polina was a Redwyne of the Arbor before her marriage to Ser Victarion. Only 16 years old, and taller than anyone else at Poppy Hall, she is still quite a naive girl who will have to work hard to make a place for herself in a house full of very strong personalities. Some of the smallfolk of Ashfield Town have named her `the Vine', though not yet in front of the highborn.
Thanks in part to her mother's constant praise, Alianna believes herself to be the most attractive young lady in the Reach, and while she is very pretty and shapely, she has set incredibly high expectations of any potential match. She has turned down no less than 12 potential marriages, for reasons from the groom not being tall enough to `poor character' exhibited by her suitor having mud on his boots when they met. Alianna's closest friend is her cousin, Malrie Dondarrion, with whom she regularly communicates any gossip she hears. Alianna believes her destiny lies at King's Landing, married to a Targaryen or other notable personage, though even she is aware that at age 20 she may need to lower her standards.
Pella is sharp-tongued and thin-skinned, two traits not particularly suitable for a young lady of a great house. She shares her short temper with her twin brother, Mathys, although they rarely fight between themselves, preferring instead to endlessly taunt each other...until someone else foolishly tries to join in, and then they inevitably unite against the outsider. Pella has bloomed in recent years from being a fat little girl to quite a comely maiden, though this has not instilled in her any additional confidence. Pella is a respected healer within the Reach, and a dedicated student of botany...she has rare talents in both fields that the smallfolk gossip are magical in origin.
Provocative and hot-headed are the two words most commonly used to describe Ser Mathys, second son of Lord Ascar. He has a fast mind and is quick to react, which has proven an asset on the field of battle but sometimes detrimental in more courtly settings. Now knighted, he served as squire to his older brother, Victarion, in one of the most volatile knightly pairings ever seen in the history of the Reach as the two came to blows daily over some perceived slight by one or the other. For those that learn how to get past his prickles and appeal to his better side, Mathys is a loyal and honorable man who loves his family.
Ser Mathys
Rikard Ashfield has grown up in the shadow of his older brothers Victarion and Mathys. Being of smaller stature and generally more nimble than his siblings, Rikard is pretty proficient with his short hunting bow and has naturally taken to the House owned game preserves where hunting game and trekking through the woods are possible even in such cultivated land. Doing so, he stayed out of everyone's way as much as he could to focus on the woods and animals he loved. It mattered not to him who was in charge of politics on a local or larger scale since he would not have to deal with such matters as the third born son. He loves mostly roaming and wondering what the Children of the Forest had seen when they lived in these parts.
Corinne lived for sometime during her younger years among the villages along the borderlands of the Reach and Dorne looking to prove her skills as a warrior. As most of the Kingdoms of Westeros generally don't believe that women can be proper warriors she was often told to `go cook and nurse with the women'. Corinne had never meet her mother until one day Lady Iliria was in the area. The Lady Ashfield was a bit taken back by her daughters determination to server as a sword of the Reach for House Ashfield, as so she promised to help her find a position. Corinne is now a brutish sword from a noble family. She tends to be a bit roguish as House Ashfield's Master of Horses.
Corinne Flowers
Dyllan has been a sworn sword to House Ashfield since the time of Lord Tyrion. The survivor of wars in the Reach for 30 years, Dyllan's age is beginning to show, though what he lacks in youthful vigor he makes up for in experience and cynicism. Every Ashfield son has been taught the basics of sword play by Dyllan, grounding them in an efficient and ruthless manner of fighting - there is no beauty to Redbrush's methods, only certainty. Dyllan lives in Poppy Hall almost like it were his own house, rarely dressing well except for visitors, and at his age none are inclined to scold him for it; he is loved by all the family.
Dyllan Redbrush
A former ward of House Ashfield, Wallace Justman is the last of his line. During his time at Poppy Hall, his family were slain and their lands divided amongst other lords, leaving Wallace a nobleman without a home. Lord Tyrion took pity on the young man and welcomed him back, instructing Maester Jon to train the lad up as a Castellan; a position he has filled for just over 20 years. Wallace is a reliable servant of the House, but it is rumoured that he has some quite unusual nocturnal activities. However, he is a fair and effective manager of the House's finances, with a tendency to be overly formal.
Wallace Justman
Like many who don the chain of Maester, Jon was a precocious child sponsored by a noble house - in his case House Belmore of the Vale. Seeking to replace Poppy Hall's previous maester, Lord Tyrion Ashfield took the unusual measure of travelling to Oldtown to recruit a replacement of his choosing. Although very young for a Maester, Jon's links of history, economics, alchemy, geography & flora made him a desirable addition; he has served at Poppy Hall for over 25 years. He has become fast friends with Hallys the smith, and it is rumoured that the two are working on a dark and ungodly project together.
Maester Jon
Hallys is the master blacksmith of Poppy Hall. Originally from Lannisport, Hallys travelled south as a journeyman to set up shop near the Dornish front. Noting the smith's skill and ambition, Lord Ascar IX wasted no time in offering him a permanent placement. During the war, Hallys earned a reputation for expertly mending even the most damaged armor, no doubt aided by the significant local opportunities to practice this art - however, his true passion is the creation of locks and other intricate metal devices. He is a slow and careful man, with a kind heart and fists like anvils.
Semmon has been Master of the Redpass for 15 years, the smallfolk leader of Ashfield Town. He is responsible for monitoring traffic along the Redpass, moving on undesirables, keeping track of bandit activity, noting market demand for the Castellan, and ensuring Ashfield's goods move out in a timely fashion. Three months ago Semmon was mortally wounded while hunting down bandits, and would have died if not for Pella Ashfield's expert care - he will sing the young lady's praises to any who would listen. Semmon is a jovial fellow, fiercely loyal to House Ashfield, and much more cunning than his rural demeanour reveals.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:31, Fri 05 Dec 2014.
GM, 593 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 20:32
  • msg #6

Re: Who's Who

House Neumann of The Reach
An uncouth man with roguish charm, Lord Henry makes friends easily. At any given time, Lord Henry will have five or so knights visiting Blue Hall, with whom he drinks and tells stories like they were the oldest of friends. What his guests do not realise is just how much Lord Henry learns from his visitors, and the degree to which their loose tongues can turn into gold in House Neumann's pockets. At his core, Lord Henry is a ruthless man, a true adherent to the house motto in taking what is his; lands, wealth, women...he has taken them all for his own, but always with a smile and sometimes a clenched fist. Since Mara's childhood sickness shook him, Lord Henry has usually kept his children at arm's length to avoid any impairment they may be in achieving his goals.
Lord Henry
Lady Jocelyn, formerly of House Connington, bears the burden of being a proper lady; a prize for the ambitious Henry. She still isn't sure why her father married her off to a second son, but as she came to know her husband, she was less than surprised at finding herself Lady Neumann within a year. In a hall full of shadows and unusual happenings, Lady Jocelyn finds it best not to ask difficult questions of her husband, preferring instead to focus on her embroidery, and encouraging her children to be kind and honest.
Lady Jocelyn
Jon is the heir to House Neumann, and a man quite unlike his father. He is an earnest, studious fellow, not much inclined to socialising. His most common companion at Blue Hall is Maester Egislor; the two regularly discuss politics and other scholarly topics, and spent his teenage years in Oldtown studying. In truth, were he not the first born son, Jon would likely have become a Maester himself. He has little time for his father's constant carousing, not at all understanding how it is that Lord Henry can be so effective while acting in such a cavalier, brutish fashion. At age 25, Jon is long overdue for marriage, and rumours are beginning to circulate as to why no match has yet been found.
For the past few years, Mara has represented House Neumann at the royal court, a scheme put into place by Lady Jocelyn to protect her daughter from her father's influence. King Baelor was so taken by Mara's frail beauty that he declared her to be the loveliest young lady in the Seven Kingdoms. In her time away from Blue Hall, Mara has become a strong willed, independent woman who knows her value; everything her mother Jocelyn wished that she had been herself. However Mara is still working out what she wants from life, and is still discovering her own capabilities on a daily basis.
Ser Edric has spent the vast majority of his life away from Blue Hall, having been a ward with House Ashfield for eight years, and squiring for Sir Fredrik Connington until a few months ago. Raised to uphold knightly values, Edric is very much like the uncle for whom he is named; fair and just, and a leader of men. Relatively unaware of the manner in which Blue Hall has been managed for the past 15 years, Edric has brought a new attitude to his home, and conflict with Lord Henry seems inevitable.
Ser Edric
Invited to Neumann lands by Ser Edric, Marius and his Blue Lancers are an offshoot of a now defunct mercenary outfit from Essos, the Legion of the Dead. The company is not sworn to House Neumann, but are assisting in the suppression of banditry in the outer reaches of their lands; men following Olaf the Plunderer. Marius is an old campaigner and a ruthless cavalryman, but his recent decision to camp near Blue Hall has started rumours that he has begun to lose his nerve.
Merius Basso
Ser Duncan Shepherd
Appointed only months before the death of Lord Brandon, Maester Egislor is a much feared figure within Neumann lands. Taciturn and dour, the Maester unnerves most by always seeming to know more than he should do about happenings around Blue Hall. In Oldtown, Egislor earned his links in heraldry, astronomy, warcraft, poisons and magic amongst other fields. Egislor is a gentle soul with a wicked mind; when it is sought, the counsel he offers is often too thorough, including even the most dishonorable options that `no gentleman should ever choose', as he takes great pains to qualify when explaining the horrors in his mind.
Maester Egislor
Septa Gisla came to Blue Hall as a 20 year old devotee of the Maiden. A learned and devout young lady, she was also both pretty and innocent, which became her downfall. Shortly after her installation at Blue Hall, Lord Henry coerced the young Septa into bed, and did what men will sometimes do. The Lord has never bothered to conceal his infidelity, often claiming that the young Septa had initiated the affair - with a nudge and a wink to his listeners. It took all the strength that the Seven could grant her for Gisla to survive that indignity, but she has done so with grace and fortitude, having held the title of Septa of Blue Hall for 19 years. Gisla's relationship to Lady Jocelyn is not quite friendship, but the shared sympathy of those drawn into the thrall of a strong man's desires.
Septa Gisla
The bastard daughter of Lord Henry and Septa Gisla, Harriet Flowers serves as Herald to House Neumann. She has plainly inherited her father's bold ambition, but lacks the station or gender to act on it as freely. For now she aids Lord Henry by delivering his `persuasive' messages to other houses, usually returning to Blue Hall with plentiful gifts and trade concessions. Harriet is resentful of Lord Henry's legitimate children, and sometimes struggles to conceal her disdain for their existence.
Harriet Flowers

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:09, Mon 13 Oct 2014.
GM, 1457 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 13 Oct 2014
at 17:47
  • msg #7

Re: Who's Who

House Amaranth Dawn of Dorne
Ariel of Amaranth Dawn
Ariel the Black is also known as 'The Red Twins'. He is a young warrior with a bad temper, some say board line barbarian. He is known to start a fight by yelling to his combatant "Fear My Wrath". Twin brother to Isa the Red.
Ariel the Black
Isa of Amaranth Dawn
Isa the Red also known as 'The Red Twins' Twin sister to Ariel the Black.
Isa the Red Priestess

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:14, Thu 04 Dec 2014.
GM, 1458 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 13 Oct 2014
at 17:53
  • msg #8

Re: Who's Who

House Martell
Princess Myriah Martell
Princess Myriah Martell is a Dornish Princess of the House Martell of Sunspear. She is to marry Prince Daeron Targaryen.
Myriah Nymeros Martell

GM, 1484 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 20 Oct 2014
at 20:46
  • msg #9

Re: Who's Who

House Ravenhowe of Dorne
Aislin Ravenhowe
Lady Aislin is an attractive, if tired looking woman who always seems preoccupied with trying to wrangle one of her many children. Though Hassan is an active father, the two seem to be in over their heads at time with trying to make sure they are all accounted for. She is always adorned in either colors of purple or orange, with a broach pin of an owl or a raven adorning her. She still holds close ties with her family the Kolwyns.
Lady of House Ravenhowe
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Description & History
Name & Position
Fatimah Ravenhowe
Description & History
Name & Position

Name & House
Description & History
Name & Position

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:41, Fri 05 Dec 2014.
GM, 1697 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 14 Nov 2014
at 23:45
  • msg #10

Re: Who's Who

House Dondarrion of The Stormlands
Haryl Dondarrion
Haryl is a good warrior, a kind man, and a generous Lord. He spent most of his youth trying to be close to his own father, Lord Cariel. Cariel is a hard man, who has little time for his children, though there was much to admire in his character and his sense of duty and honour. It was this sense of duty that led Cariel to fight the Dorne. Haryl directly disobeyed his father, staying at Blackhaven with a bulk of the Dondarrion forces, during one of the last battles against Dorne and many men followed the more charismatic son over their own Lord. Haryl acted (or indeed failed to act) not for greed or personal gain, and not even because it was the course his uncle suggested, but because he believed the cause was not a just one. It pained him terribly to go against his father, even though he had much love for the man. The pain only worsened when he learned Taric his cousin had been cut down in the battle. His steadfast nature led to the men naming him "The Anvil", to match the nickname given to Ser Ackley "The Hammer".
Lord of Blackhaven
Deria of House Caron
Shoulder-length curly brown hair, light brown eyes. Deria stands at 5'2", an inch or so shorter than her siblings. She usually wears light brown gowns to match her eyes, or clothes with golden trim. Deria has been sheltered most of life. As a child, Eolande spent most of her time in her family garden between her lessons. She is a perfect case of a person experiencing cognitive dissonance, meaning her thoughts are one thing, yet her actions are another. Her thoughts have always been defiant in the sense that she wishes to rise in power, but does not wish to defy the wishes of her husband or disappoint him.
Lady of House Dondarrion
Manfred & Luella Dondarrion
Description & History
Heir & 1st Daughter to House Dondarrion
Cariel Dondarrion
Description & History
'Old' Cariel Dondarrion
Raemond Dondarrion
Raemond showed both proficiency with a blade and a sharpness of mind that led many to label him as one of the most talented young nobles of the time, and his name was mentioned alongside the likes of Aemon Targaryen. He even met Aemon once, though neither spoke of the meeting afterwards. However, it seemed his potential would be wasted in the eyes of many, as at sixteen years of age he elected to join the maesters, against the wishes of his father. He excelled in the Citadel, despite joining at a reltively late age, and within only eight years he was a single link away from earning his chain. Many viewed him as a future Grand Maester, but he left the Citadel to serve his house under mysterious circumstances. He is charismatic and dangerous, there is certainly more than meets the eye to Raemond. The mysteries of his past suggest he may be a man who knows far more about the goings on in Westeros than most, and he is certainly someone to keep an eye on.
Maester Rae
Menara Dondarrion
Description & History
Lady Menara Dondarrion
Osgred Selmy
Osgred was in consideration to be knighted, but he declined the honor for some unknown reason. In his younth he was a angry man always living in the shadows of others. He tried often to be his own man, but once he married, such things like taking the field of battle took a back seat to the courts. He kept his wife close, using her influeance to leap himself in politics. 'Old' Cariel Dondarrion can not stomach him and insults him any chance he gets. If it wasnt for the brother and sister love of the Dondarrion family, Osgred would have had an accident that ended him a long time ago.
Name & Position
Ser Ackley Selmy
The only living child of Menara Dondarrion & Osgred Selmy, Ser Ackley spent most of his life in the shadow of his brother, Taric, despite his skill with a blade. The situation only grew worse when Taric was getting ready to inherited his lordship. He grew further and further apart from his brother, who continually gave the loyal Ackley less important roles for the House. Ackley began to become something of a father figure to the younger Haryl, and took it upon himself to train the heir to Blackhaven at arms. They grew close, and when the battles broke out with Dorne, Haryl joined his uncle, partly as a result of Ackley's counsel. Ser Ackley fought at most of the battles against Dorne, as one of the Stormlands most well known and well respected soldiers. Ackley is a good-hearted man, but his temper is fearsome when roused. His brute strength and fury have earned him the nickname "The Hammer".
Ser Ackley Sworn to House Dondarrion
Dalaris of House Mertyns
Dalaris has an upbeat, bubbly personality. She can be rather loud, and extremely talkative, not one to ever be called shy. She hardly ever gets mad, and always tries to see the good in a person, even if they had previously done wrong to her. Dalaris isn't very physically strong. She has almost no knowledge how to use anything other than lady skills, and she can be overpowered rather easily; however, she does think quick on her feet. Dalaris is also guilty of having no filter. She tends to say what she wants, when she wants.
Lady Dalaris
Ser Giles Herston
Description & History
Household Knight
Ser Carsten Kellington
Description & History
Captain of the Guards

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:26, Tue 18 Aug 2015.
GM, 1854 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 1 Dec 2014
at 23:20
  • msg #11

Re: Who's Who

House Kaldor of Dorne
Mardax Kaldor
Description & History
2nd born of Lord Kaldor
Brindal of Essos
Description & History
Retainer to Mardax

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:12, Fri 05 Dec 2014.
GM, 1855 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 1 Dec 2014
at 23:22
  • msg #12

Re: Who's Who

House Saltwind of The Iron Islands
Rhaella Saltwind
Description & History
Name & Position
Simon Saltwind
Description & History
Name & Position
Raul the Silent
Description & History
Name & Position
Maester Solveig
Description & History
Name & Position
Hotho Thrice
Description & History
Name & Position

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:27, Tue 18 Aug 2015.
GM, 1856 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 1 Dec 2014
at 23:22
  • msg #13

Re: Who's Who

House Fell (of Timberwood) of The Stormlands
Loranth Fell
Loranth is an attractive man for his age. He has found himself the Lord of the House 10 or more years earlier than he was suppose to. He is somewhat an oddity for Stormland nobility being smaller than the average warrior lord and having a clean shaven face. He is known to be charming and meticulous in planning which seems to have helped become a good strategist. He is yet to be tested in court or the battlefield.
Lord of Timberwood
Ser Lachland Fell
He stands some 6' 4" with full black hair kept above the shoulders and a stylish goatee gracing his chin. His eyes are sharp and seem to shift between a light blue and green depending on his mood. His was a typical childhood for a noble child of a minor house.  Life was not harsh, compared to the common man, though being the member of a minor house brought with it its own issues. As he grew older life continued much as it always did, though his training became more intensive. Though he seemed to only possess a middling ability with a sword he took well to the spear, which he enjoyed greatly.
Name & Position
Tristan Fell
Tristan is 21, with dark hair and green eyes, standing a bit over six feet tall, with an athletic build. He has lightly tanned skin as he has spent long summers across the narrow sea. He is a second cousin of House Fell of Timberwood. His line is removed from being an heir to the family unless several of the line is wiped out, making him only a distant family member, but a valued warrior in their house.
Tristan "Skybreaker"
Acired Velaryon
At first glance, this is no more than a youth enveloped in his father's armor, bearing arms and armor with the markings of a minor cadet branch of House Velaryon.  Slight of build and almost delicate of features, most would dismiss the youth as a smooth-faced boy barely old enough to be called a man.  but the sharp of eye and wise of heart would see deeper than the exterior of the young herald.
Name & Position
Eryyk Tyrol
Eryyk is a man nearing his mid-thirties. Standing just under 6 feet and being slightly stocky of build he doesn't seem overly imposing standing around the knights and warriors of Westeros. His hair is light brown, kept short and well trimmed, alongside an equally carefully trimmed goatee. His eyes are a blue and he looks at the world with an analytic gaze. He is a handsome man, but its a simple and subtle charm with no single feature that would grab attention. His manner of dress is to keep clothing to simple cuts but to have it well tailored and made of fine materials. He has a few items of simple jewelry but most serve a practical purpose, cloak clips, signet ring, traders pin, etc.
Name & Position
Vanna Storm
She is not extremely old at 23, but her body because of the many scars and burns on her arms and face seems so much older. She is a medium sized woman at 5'7', but she is pure wiry muscle. She is seldom seen out of her warrior gear wearing her armoir like a second skin. She is not known for her social skills, but most do not mention it because she has been the First Ranger skill with weapons and bows as good if not better than most knights.
Name & Position
Robert Storm
He's a bastard, but a well looked after one. Whoever his father is, he took care of Robert's mother (one of the Balgair servants) and Robert. He is a large, powerfully built man with dark hair and a darker temper (various people call him Black Rob although rarely to his face). He likes to drink and fight and loves to combine the two. He's bitten several men's ears off in tavern brawls. Aside from his presumably important father, he's an exceptional archer so Lord Balgair is often glad of his presence.
Name & Position
Septa Danella
Danella is a cheerfull, gleeful, optimistic young woman, accepting and kind at heart, forgiving and innocent and soft. She tends to see the good in people, no matter what, and her always-happy aura usually calms others down. Despite her constant cheerfulness, Danella is calm and doesn't let things get to her too fast. She thinks before she speaks and never says a word without meaning it. Shes bold with a sharp tongue and sometimes can be sarcastic or hurt others. Shes well educated, loves reading and singing, and has a logical way of thought. She has a bubbling laughter and she isn't afraid of showing affection. Shes very trusting and loving and gives herself whole-heatedly to whoever needs her.
Sisterhood of Mother

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:13, Wed 31 Dec 2014.
GM, 1857 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 1 Dec 2014
at 23:23
  • msg #14

Re: Who's Who

House Baratheon of Storm's End (Extended Branch of House)
Name & Position

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:47, Mon 23 Feb 2015.
GM, 1859 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 2 Dec 2014
at 01:18
  • msg #15

Re: Who's Who

House Kolwyn of Dorne
Ashara Kolwyn
Description & History
Name & Position
Bron Snow
Description & History
Name & Position
Cyra Vyraes
Description & History
Name & Position
Ronan Kolwyn
Description & History
Name & Position
Ser Ernesto Riquez
Description & History
Name & Position

Name & House
Description & History
Name & Position

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:44, Fri 05 Dec 2014.
GM, 2236 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 20 Feb 2015
at 01:27
  • msg #16

Re: Who's Who

Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:07, Wed 01 Apr 2015.
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