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17:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Campaign Record Sheets.

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 9 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 01:48
  • msg #1

Campaign Record Sheets

This thread is to help track information you will need to play this game. All information on these sheets will update and changed frequently during the course of the game.

GAME TURN: A chart below will keep track of 30 days starting at 0. When all the days are crossed out, the game is over unless someone has won before-hand.

TROOP POINTS: As players move around the province, they will gather Troop Points to their side. We will keep a running tally on Troop Points traveling with characters on a chart below.

TOWN CONTROL: When you reach 'End Of Day' and are free to move on your next turn, consult the map, and Town Control chart. If you leave Troop Points behind in a town it will be marked and the force garrison there.

GOLD: Gold will be tracked on a chart below, it will track who, when and how gold is received and used, as well as gold on their possession. His will be hidden and list as secret in the thread so only the Lord or Prince can see the information.

NPC BODYGUARDS: NPC Bodyguards of each character will be noted here in this thread. Player may pick an NPC Bodyguard to play as a PC.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:51, Thu 18 Feb 2016.
GM, 10 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 02:00
  • msg #2



This message was last edited by the GM at 16:22, Thu 06 Aug 2020.
GM, 11 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 02:19
  • msg #3


CommanderTroop Points
Lord Kenshin
Prince Yotaro

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:59, Tue 07 July 2020.
GM, 12 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 02:24
  • msg #4


LocationGarrisonControlled ByCommander
on the road to Robuko
Dai-Oni given 3 Troop Points to hold Aizuchi
Lord Kenshin
Lord Domo & Lord Matsudo
Prince Sato Yotaro
Gamo Niiro

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:57, Thu 03 Sept 2020.
GM, 13 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 02:48
  • msg #5


Lord Kenshin


Prince Yotaro


This message was last edited by the GM at 16:31, Thu 03 Sept 2020.
GM, 14 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 02:53
  • msg #6


Doshido "The Jade" Gotsu: Lord Kenshin's Bodyguard

 Name: Doshido Gotsu
 Age: 28
 Body Points: 8/8
 Damage points: 3/3
 Resources: xx Gold bars

 Doshido was not born a samurai, a blacksmith down-on-his luck with a wife, Ronja, and two children to feed. His past was so dishearten that Ronja had tried to sell off of his families historical and prized artifact; a beautiful urn full of their ancestral ashes. Doshido is ultimately disheartened by his wife's actions. Upon realizing what she has done, he goes out to retrieve the urn. This sets off a series of events that puts Doshido at the steps of Lord Kenshin home. It is then that Lord Kenshin sees his misfortune and decides to fulfill his original dream of samurai, even despite Doshido's age. Doshido proves to be an exceptional student and he in turn pledges his life to Lord Kenshin.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:35, Fri 19 Feb 2016.
GM, 15 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 02:55
  • msg #7


Hiroshi: Lord Kenshin's Bodyguard and Scout

 Name: Hiroshi
 Age: 26
 Body Points: 14/14
 Damage points: 4/4
 Resources: xx Gold bars
 Troops Points: 2

 Little is known about this Samurai other then the fact that he leads some of Lord Kenshin's most forward scouts. His attitude could almost be regarded as Laissez-Fair, and almost uncaring. But when his loyalty and efficiency are tested his lord and Daimyo Kenshin always has the information he needs when he needs it. When at parties he seems to let down the guise of not caring and parties with the rest of them, but is careful not to be too rambunctious.

 The young samurai prides his ability with the Kusarigama and finds both the Katana and Yumi to be of equal proficiency in his hands.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:34, Fri 19 Feb 2016.
GM, 16 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 03:18
  • msg #8


Jotaro Shinza: Prince Yotaro's General.

   Name: Jotaro Shinza
   Age: 61
   Body Points: 12/12
   Damage points: 2/2
   Resources: 6 Gold bars
   Troop Points: 3 *(military prowess equals adding 3 Troop Points when in battle on a players side)

 Jotaro was exiled from the Tsuke province well before Prince Yotaro - in fact, his exile came at the hands of Yotaro's father before he passed away! The general had been framed in the murder of a dignitary from another province (yes, Jotaro was prone to drunken revelry at the wrong times, but he swore that he was not responsible for the dignitary falling from the balcony of the Sato family castle. Still, Jotaro couldn't help but notice the smile crossing Sato Kenshin's face as the former Daimyo pronounced judgement on him...

 As the acclaimed leader of many battles against bandit incursions, many were the soldiers who mourned the general's departure. In exile, his love affair with alcohol only increased, though before fully giving in to his addictions, the man had the wits to stow away money and arms, sensing that one day his skills would be needed again. He didn't expect it to come in the form of the son of the man who exiled him though - Prince Yotaro found him several months ago, and asked Jotaro to return with him and to raise an army.

 It took a period of "detoxing" but the general collected himself - and the gold, weaponry and resources he had stowed away. Now he follows the Prince back to the Tsuke province, for another shot at glory.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:06, Mon 22 Feb 2016.
GM, 18 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 15:15
  • msg #9

Who's Who

Allies of Lord Kenshin
After several years of wandering as a Ronin he see's the tides of change building, hoping to regain his honor somehow. Kosai is quiet and reserved, his focus on retaining what little honor he had being the most driving force for him.
Kurogabuto Sanosuke
General Sanosuke, Kurogabuto is in service to Lord Kenshin's. This was not always the case. Sanosuke's father was once Kenshin's bitter rival for control of the province, but later gracefully accepted his loss when Kenshin proved himself a better man. Valuing virtue, Kenshin decided to spare Sanosuke's father and made him a vassal. In gratitude for Kenshin's mercy, Sanosuke's father drilled the importance of loyal service into Sanosuke's mind, a lesson which he has taken to heart.
Lord General
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:03, Wed 08 Apr 2020.
GM, 19 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 15:16
  • msg #10

Who's Who

Allies of Prince Yotaro
Hirotsune was a hatamoto or senior retainer of the former ruler, as his ancestors had been for several generations. His older brother was the lord of Fusai, but since early youth Hirotsune has followed the fortunes of the Prince's father and then of the Prince himself, traveling with him and protecting him against the dangers of the way. Returning with him to their homeland, he hopes to find that his family's former followers in Fusai will still heed his call.
Prince's Bodyguard
Gamo Niiro
Gamo Niiro comes from the esteemed and honorable Gamo clan. They are warriors renowned for their bravery and gallantry in battle. However, Niiro is the second of three sons of a second son. His older brother inherited everything and his younger is the darling of the courts. Niiro found from a young age that the way for him to make any impression upon others was to be the opposite of his brother.
Mercenary Bandit
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
Name & Position

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:59, Tue 19 May 2020.
GM, 40 posts
The Empire is All
Honor & Glory
Mon 22 Feb 2016
at 16:08
  • msg #11

Who's Who

Hiatomi Miamoto
A famed Mercenary, Hiatomi is known for his loyalty to his word, and little else.  If he accepts a contract, he fulfills it to the death, and his soldiers are the same way.  His Ancestral Armor is Black and Red, and it's Insignia is actually the Crest of the Shogon.
Mercenary General
Eto Norishige
Orphaned at a young age with tragic events leading to his arrival at the Temple of Light, an unknown, new order of monks in the land. At the Temple, the children were made to work and learn to be personal attendants to regional lords. Norishige took well to the ways and skill of the Monk, was an exceptional student with weapons and tactics. He learned to be a servant of the Lord of Light, of peace, war to maintain peace that peace.
Warrior Monk
Hiatomi Miamoto
As the Bastard Child of the Shogon, he was raised by a minor Noble hoping raising the son of the Shogon would grant him favor. Raised to be a soldier, and raised as the child of the Miamoto, he was taught to be a general and soldier.  His 'sibling' was raised to be in charge of the clan when the father passed.
Bushi Warrior
Kanamori Chobei
Chōbei is a struggling merchant whose drive and hard work allowed him to succeed in growing and prospering where others failed. Kanamori when young had no qualms with the current Lord (Kenshin) or the previous one until it affected his family. One day, by some corrupt individuals under Lord Kenshin, his father was slain by those guarding the road who mocked and treated his family’s caravan as if they were a bandit troupe. He is said to have no pledge but to his trade.
Name & Position
Hayashi Goru
Hayashi is the current ruling family now in control of Robuko. The Hayashi family was loyal to Yotaro's father. In a strange exchange of events Lord Hayashi Goru has capture the Prince and its unclear what he plans to do with the Prince. Lord Goru is rumored to be capable to raise an army of 20-30 Troop Points, but has yet to challenge the military might of the Prince.
Lord of Robuko
Description & History
Name & Position
Description & History
  Name & Position

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:21, Mon 06 July 2020.
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