Editing the Game Introduction/Background

Allows you to change the intro page for your game.  This does not pop up automatically when someone enters your game, but players and visitors will be able to see the text when they go into your game and select the "info for gamename" link on the game menu.

It's a very good idea to get the intro not only exciting and enticing, but give some idea of what the game is about.

You cannot advertise in Wanted - Players unless you have an introduction.

More information?  Try;

Creating a game
GM'ing a game
Admin Menu
Edit Players and their Characters
Edit Characters Group Membership
Update Map
Specify the gamename website
Edit Introduction/Background
Edit game details

Last updated: 16:53, Mon 09 June 2008.
Direct link: http://m.rpol.net/help/?t=help&page=editintro